Studs showing?


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
A recent thing I've noticed among the players that I ref is that if a player shows even the minimal amount of studs players on the opposite team go banzai. Now I'm not talking about reckless ones over the ball or onto ankles say, I'm referring to ones where the player cleanly takes the ball, often no even touching the opposite player, yet even if he's slide on the floor and heel is on the floor so to speak everyone to a man is screaming for a red card.

Again to reiterate I'm not talking about off the floor lunges or shin snappers, just good clean challenges with the foot slightly upward. I think the TV commentators don't help because every game I watch they always bang on about studs up. I think it's gone silly now, are hey only allowed to tackle with the tips of their toes??

I know it's retrospective to a game but what's everyone's thinking on these? Am I off on my thinking here?
A&H International
Careless, reckless, excessive force.
Silly, stupid/cynical, safety.

Which category, in your opinion, does any particular challenge fall into.

If careless/silly, it's a foul and no more.
Reckless/stupid/cynical, it's a caution.
If it is with excessive force or is likely to endanger the safety of anyone around the vicinity, it's a red card.

What I'd recommend is to take your time in each decision and then give it. Don't be too quick!
You missed my point, the one I'm referring to is that the player has won the ball cleanly so he's neither careless or reckless it's a good challenge but because his studs were up everyone (on the opposite team) complained.

I may not have explained it well but as I said to me there was no foul.
Decision made then. You're the referee, it's up to you what to do.

Tbh, it doesn't seem like a foul. If no intent, and a clear ball-win, no foul!

Remember - 'I'm the referee. I may not always be right, but I'm NEVER wrong'
i think the game is changing. been watching some season reviews from the 90s and there were challenges receiving yellow cards there that would definitely be a straight red these days. i think the game at the top level is definitely getting softer, but when I play Im a big mean centre half so i would think that. if youre reffing and you think its a fair challenge, not endangering the safety of an opponent, then it doesnt matter what angle someones foot is at. just sell it like that and be consistent, and youll have no problems i think :)
Decision made then. You're the referee, it's up to you what to do.

Tbh, it doesn't seem like a foul. If no intent, and a clear ball-win, no foul!

Remember - 'I'm the referee. I may not always be right, but I'm NEVER wrong'
Couldn't agree more!
Gaz, I'm the same, I was a right back when I played and liked a good challenge. I just sick of the whining after a perfectly good challenge. Especially when someone crosses the line and gets booked for reckless one and try's to say that it was the same as the one before, but I guess that's what we have had to put up with.
I see what you mean. Even if its a perfectly controled challenge, gets the ball cleanly, if a signle stud is showing then teams go boncers! I like a physichal match but the way teams are complaining, they excpect at leats 2 off every match for 'showing studs'!
If you think he's putting his opponent into a dangerous situation (ask yourself: is he completely in control of his body and does he know exactly where he'll be when he goes out? Also, is his knee locked or is it bent to allow flexibility) than he's guilty of a reckless tackle and should be cautioned. There's no one answer, just a set of questions you can ask yourself each time to come up with the most consistent response possible.