Sunday, Bloody Sunday!


Active Member
I'll keep this one brief: about halfway through the half of a pretty ordinary sunday cup game (very one-sided!) there's a mass con after someone was unhappy with a tackle (which I had already blown for a foul on!). They get up and start shoving, home player on a yellow already starts shoving, I get them both, bish bash bosh, off you pop. First time I've had a mass con that I've really felt in control of, so that's something to be pleased with, and the rest of the game - on the pitch at least - was fairly civil.

On the touchline however, things really kicked off. Throughout the game I've heard some noise from there but nothing that I thought worth going over to sort out. Obviously I've missed something, because around the 85th minute, something really explodes. Lady screaming her head off, everyone getting involved, holding each other back, coach grabs a substitute by the collar and neck and throws him to the floor - red, thanks very much, and a yellow for the lad who shouldn't have been in the technical area anyway.

If I'm super-critical, perhaps I could have turned my ear to whatever the noise was a little earlier and maybe gone over, calmed things down, and it might not have happened that way afterwards, but I really can't remember hearing anything that would have started that off. Well, I'm sure the county will work it out. Not in a hurry to do the home team again in a hurry though!

Oh, and I managed to get through a U18 match afterwards - I must be fitter than I thought!

Who'd be a ref, eh? :D
A&H International