Sunday League Quotes

A&H International
From a OA game a couple of Saturday’s ago I had player from the home team come up to me just after I had sent off his skipper putting his team down to 9 men asking if I had £100 on the away side to win. He seemed shocked when I sent him to the sin bin and his team were then down to 8 men.

From another game a few seasons ago. Play stopped for a free and a caution to the offender

Substitute on side line shouts at me “Get on with it you F*****g G**p.
Me says “hold it there to the free kick taker”
Go to the sub “name please”
Sub says “you can’t sin bin me as I am a sub”
Me to the Sub “No you’re right I can’t sin bin you, but I can red card you”
Subs face was a picture when the red came out
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End of a 6-1 victory: “You were so biased against us”, says winning captain sent off for strangling opponent.

DOGSO RC player calmly: “you’re only a referee in <Nordic-happy-country> because they wouldn’t let you referee in England”

U18 girls flair player YC for kicking out off the ball, in her third language: “d’ya wanna come to the shops with me tomorrow.. to get you new glasses.” Aw.
A number of years ago I did an U13 Sunday morning game after which I was approached and berated by an elderly lady for being 'totally biased' against her grandson's team. His team had actually won 3-1 with 2 of their 3 goals coming from penalties.
Not Sunday League, but I share it to show just how widespread and endemic the lack of Law knowledge is outside the refereeing fraternity (and sometimes within :( ). PL2 game earlier this season. My AR colleague sees an attacker in an offside position, a couple of metres in the opposition half. The ball is played for the attacker to chase and the AR correctly allows him to run 30m without flagging before finally indicating the offence when he plays the ball. Defending team kick ball up to halfway line to take the IFK from there .. ref correctly moves it back to edge of penalty area where AR is still standing with his flag up. The technical area behind me erupts with complaints to the extent that the fourth official has to get the ref over to calm them down and explain. These players and officials make a living from football and still don't know the basics of the offside law :wall:
These players and officials make a living from football and still don't know the basics of the offside law :wall:

given how often these FKs are permitted to be taken from the wrong spot, it's hard to blame them for not knowing

The ball is played for the attacker to chase and the AR correctly allows him to run 30m without flagging before finally indicating the offence when he plays the ball.

Hmm. As I'm picturing this from what you describe, this sounds like a Diagram 4 scenario that should have been flagged rather than waiting for the touch.
All the gear and no idea... because I had two watches and wore a heart rate monitor (initially worn to track fitness, then latterly to track a heart condition).

Ref, is that your car, because that 40 tonner is about to re-arrange your rear wing?

I'd parked badly and not left enough room for a passing lorry. Suspended the game, ran to the changing room. No one offered to open the door, so I pulled it and unfortunately ripped it off its hinges. I didn't have much dissent in the following weeks as word got around the league about the referee who pulled the door off its hinges without really trying (I was weight training at the time and was built like a brick ****house).

The worst comment I had was...

I hope you die of AIDS, your wife dies of AIDS and your kids die of AIDS

My self restraint was tested a little that day.
given how often these FKs are permitted to be taken from the wrong spot, it's hard to blame them for not knowing

Hmm. As I'm picturing this from what you describe, this sounds like a Diagram 4 scenario that should have been flagged rather than waiting for the touch.
For once, I disagree with you. At this level of the game I'd be amazed if Offside free kicks were being frequently taken from the wrong place. In fact, the AR coaching to focus hard on the exact location of the offence is significant.

I wondered whether he could have flagged earlier, as there were no other attackers running. However the ball was tight to the touchline and would in fact have harmlessly gone out of play had the offside attacker not played it ... hence important to wait for the actual offence to occur
I continually reiterate that it's human nature to be ignorant to rules
The majority of Referees will buck this trait somewhat
Many of us Referees will sit on the extremity of a bell curve relating to attention to detail. I'm literally an expert on the complicated Rules of Golf for instance, so it's no coincidence that I've taken what is an extreme interest in the Laws of the Game (compared to the man in the street)
My job is all about logic and protocol/rules as well
So why are we surprised that most kids will play board games and make the rules up, whilst the vast majority of participants and spectators will enjoy ALL sports with just enough rules knowledge to be entertained
I see this 'small minded' mentality across the board with Referees and it only serves to widen the divide between us and the football community
It is IFABs responsibility to keep the rules as simple as possible and to disseminate knowledge to non-Referees in a manner that captures the interest of the intended audience.... and IFAB simply fails to do this; along with the rest of the football's subordinate organisations

The book is one of the most cryptic pamphlets I've ever encountered. It's an amateurish and disorganised load of rubbish, so who the hell is gonna pick it up and spend time deciphering the content?
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The book is one of the most cryptic pamphlets I've ever encountered. It's an amateurish and disorganised load of rubbish, so who the hell is gonna pick it up and spend time deciphering the content?
I have some sympathy for amateur players, though even they could easily gain an advantage in their matches through a fairly small amount of time spent understanding the law basics of the game they are playing. I have zero sympathy where it's those who are significantly paid to be involved. But hey ho, gives us something to moan about :)
I have some sympathy for amateur players, though even they could easily gain an advantage in their matches through a fairly small amount of time spent understanding the law basics of the game they are playing. I have zero sympathy where it's those who are significantly paid to be involved. But hey ho, gives us something to moan about :)
No different from other sports AFAIK
Certainly WRT golf, pros are usually pretty clueless... although the commentary teams have very educated rules men to call upon when necessary, unlike when we hide behind the sofa as BT Sport beckons the ex-referee for their questionable input
After losing 4-0 and cautioning 5 I was asked if I could referee the team again later on in the month.

They laughed when I said I'm away and can only do if they pay the air fair
Soooooo many, like all of you I guess.

One I haven't mentioned on here before because it only happened this week!

I'm AR in front of the team bench that scored (Isthmian U18).

Ball crossed into penalty area, bounces up and hits defender 'somewhere' (It is beyond penalty spot now, ref in good position, no sign of giving it or asking me) ball falls to attacker who scores - happy days I think - wrong!

Bench "Lino, lino that was a pen right?"

Me " You scored!???"

Bench "But if we hadn't you'd have given it, yeah?!"

I just turned away refusing to get into an argument about a hypothetical penalty that wasn't my decision to give anyway!:rolleyes:
Heard one coach in their moment bemoaning the shocking standard of refereeing in this league. It's the local junior league and many of the games don't even have a ref 🤷‍♂️
Got asked last night after a County Cup Semi Final why the handball I'd given wasn't restarted with a drop ball.
That's from a manager of a side top of their step 5 league. Scary how poor their knowledge is 😂
Ref you can't give them a free kick if they still have the ball.

There needs to be an advantage to play advantage...

Another game, had a striker messing with the quick free kick. So the second time he did it I booked him. Lino told me after the game he heard the coach of the team that got booked say "I would have booked him for kicking that twice, wait a minute he is F#$*ing booking him!"