Taking a knee

James goodgame

New Member
I’ve just received an email from my county Fa stating that if any managers request I pause the game so that teams can take a knee for a short period of time at the beginning of the game I must allow it ? is this happening across the board? I’ve not got a problem with it , although does make me wonder why I wasn’t allowed a poppy emblem on my kit last year and told it was a political symbol 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
A&H International
I’ve not got a problem with it
I have...
I think it's divisive, I don't like the PR and Commercial engine which is driving the campaign, I don't like the slogan because it excludes other races and I don't want to adopt, what I see as a submissive kneeing posture when I've nothing to atone for

A black women stopped me in the street to ask for grocery money during the Lockdown. I accompanied her into Tesco Express and said, 'get what you need and I'll pay for it'. So she did
The sad thing is, I have to pluck out this tale or say that my best mate is a Sikh, so as not to be misunderstood about the 'taking the knee' controversy
The FA have said that they support the movement. We, as referees represent the FA. Therefore we have little choice but to do as they direct and allow a few seconds before the whistle for any player, coach etc that wants to do it. We're not under any pressure to do likewise ourselves.
The FA have said that they support the movement. We, as referees represent the FA. Therefore we have little choice but to do as they direct and allow a few seconds before the whistle for any player, coach etc that wants to do it. We're not under any pressure to do likewise ourselves.
OK, well that would be fair enough. The only worry being, that some players will automatically assume the referee (and/or other players) is/are racist (if not participating) before a ball is kicked. Not the sort of vibe we want going on
Possibly, but I think unlikely.
If anybody were to try and suggest that to me I'd OFFINABUS their ass in a second.

Sport and politics make poor bedfellows.
Hadn’t thought of the OFFINABUS route , my worry was in the current climate you seem to be automatically classed as racist if you don’t 100% agree with something , and couldnt agree more that sport and politics aren’t a good mix!
I personally wouldn’t have a problem with it and would certainly participate. Genuinely curious - who said you couldn’t wear a poppy? When I played, we used to wear a poppy every remembrance weekend but didn’t think we, as referees, wouldn’t be allowed to. Do the EFL & Prem refs wear poppies?
Hi Alex ,
I had a poppy (sticker) on rememberance day season before last , we did the minutes silence , got a call on the Monday saying the CFA had recieved a complaint , and I was advised not to wear one in future in case it was viewed as a political symbol !
Hi Alex ,
I had a poppy (sticker) on rememberance day season before last , we did the minutes silence , got a call on the Monday saying the CFA had recieved a complaint , and I was advised not to wear one in future in case it was viewed as a political symbol !
Fair enough, thanks for the reply! Very surprising that someone would complain about it
Hi Alex ,
I had a poppy (sticker) on rememberance day season before last , we did the minutes silence , got a call on the Monday saying the CFA had recieved a complaint , and I was advised not to wear one in future in case it was viewed as a political symbol !
So how come all the professional teams have their kit with a poppy logo during November......political statement my ar5e......
And as for BLM of course they do, but will I ever feel the need to show support by taking the knee, fat chance
Hi Alex ,
I had a poppy (sticker) on rememberance day season before last , we did the minutes silence , got a call on the Monday saying the CFA had recieved a complaint , and I was advised not to wear one in future in case it was viewed as a political symbol !
Interesting, especially considering The FA were fighting FIFA over England players wearing the poppy a couple of years ago... I've seen players and match officials at every level of the game wear a poppy without any complaints!

As for the OP about taking a knee, I've done two games so far and no-one has even mentioned it. I don't expect to get asked either, but if I were then I can't see any reason why I wouldn't allow it.
not considering the rights / wrongs of this (and i'd never be saying no...) imaging refusing a team's request for this or not joining in. imagine the impact that will have on your match control, before a ball is even kicked.
not considering the rights / wrongs of this (and i'd never be saying no...) imaging refusing a team's request for this or not joining in. imagine the impact that will have on your match control, before a ball is even kicked.

Already alluded to by BC in post #4. ;)

The facts are, that you can't refuse anybody that wants to do it, but you're under no obligation to do it yourself. I certainly won't be doing it. :)
Already alluded to by BC in post #4. ;)

The facts are, that you can't refuse anybody that wants to do it, but you're under no obligation to do it yourself. I certainly won't be doing it. :)

best of luck to you in that case