Taxi for Mike Jones


RefChat Addict
I might be biased, but that is the worst decision I've seen for a long time.

Missing a penalty as clear as that is bad enough, but to book Aguero for diving just adds insult to injury.

Terrible decision!
A&H International
Put it this way, he either gives the penalty or an IFK for diving... He 100% got that wrong but players really don't help themselves throwing their hands up in the air like that...
I might be biased, but that is the worst decision I've seen for a long time.

Missing a penalty as clear as that is bad enough, but to book Aguero for diving just adds insult to injury.

Terrible decision!

I mean this in the nicest way possible, but is your sole purpose on here to have a go at refs who give decisions against Manchester City?!
Just seen it , it was a stick on penalty ....agreed

But he made sure he was getting it and IMO fell in a diving manner ? this may well have put doubt in the refs mind ?

that is the only explanation for it :eek:
Just watched MOTD too @Beezer, that's the only reason I can come up with. Fonts says it all for me, he points to outside the box, would a player who hadn't committed a foul do that?

We all have 'those' days, and I think he had one today.

Did anyone see Dowd on the touchline, very funny! :D
That was one of the clearest penalties you will ever see. Seemed like he had an angle which was clear.

Not an insult, just an observation. Maybe not very well put, but with this and the Champions League thread...
Not an insult, just an observation. Maybe not very well put, but with this and the Champions League thread...

I must say, I'm flattered that you take so much interest in what I post! :D

In all seriousness though, you're basing that assumption on two threads out of some 400 posts? Admittedly, the Champions League thread didn't get my point across too well (or at all) but I would've posted about the Jones decision whether it involved City or not; he dropped a clanger, plain and simple.

I am critical of the select group when they make mistakes, but equally, I'll happily praise referees when they do well. (Dowd advantage in the Sunderland game last year and MO for giving the Swansea penalty are two that spring to mind).
I must say, I'm flattered that you take so much interest in what I post! :D

In all seriousness though, you're basing that assumption on two threads out of some 400 posts? Admittedly, the Champions League thread didn't get my point across too well (or at all) but I would've posted about the Jones decision whether it involved City or not; he dropped a clanger, plain and simple.

I am critical of the select group when they make mistakes, but equally, I'll happily praise referees when they do well. (Dowd advantage in the Sunderland game last year and MO for giving the Swansea penalty are two that spring to mind).

Yeah, that's fair enough I guess. Maybe, as you say, it's just the way it came across. Sorry, I just get really annoyed when fellow refs have a go at SG refs - they get enough from the fans and pundits!
Yeah, that's fair enough I guess. Maybe, as you say, it's just the way it came across. Sorry, I just get really annoyed when fellow refs have a go at SG refs - they get enough from the fans and pundits!

Fair enough. Things don't always come across as they were intended on t'internet!
