Time Wasting

James P

Well-Known Member
Was at he City vs Palace game today. Without meaning to come across as sour, as soon as Palace scored (within the first ten minutes) their keeper was time wasting at every goal kick, free kick etc. Mariner only booked him in the 85th despite constant the time wasting being constant. Is this just an example of safe refereeing, he doesn't give the caution early on so that he isn't making a rod for his own back?
A&H International
It was incredibly frustrating to watch mariner wave at him at every dead ball to hurry him up and not do anything about it
I even bore myself droning on about this but when tv broadcasters yield all the power in modern day football I just don't fathom why there isn't a stop clock? Or at the very least more pressure from them on the powers that be to have the ball 'in play' more than it is.

It's absolutely dreadful to watch time wasting and it's completely unnecessary in professional football.

I remember reading about a Burnley game a couple of years ago where the ball was in play for 38 minutes. When you include added time, thats an hour of football where there isn't actually any football being played. Who wants this?
Nah, they wield power, but not all of it. If they did we’d already be playing quarters so they could run more commercials!

Bur seriously, it’s not like the dead time is chasing away viewers, so I don’t think the broadcasters are too concerned. What they really don’t want is tons of added time that extends the no-commercial time and messes up their nice time slots.
Few weeks ago folk thought the ref in the NI game was harsh or wrong with his dealing of timewasting
now dealing with it in the 85th brings cries of, why did he not do it earlier.....
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Nah, they wield power, but not all of it. If they did we’d already be playing quarters so they could run more commercials!

Bur seriously, it’s not like the dead time is chasing away viewers, so I don’t think the broadcasters are too concerned. What they really don’t want is tons of added time that extends the no-commercial time and messes up their nice time slots.

It's not about current viewers, it's about attracting new viewers. Viewers who consume football in a different way. Younger viewers who want everything instantly.
It's not safe refereeing. It's top flight refereeing where the meaning of managing an event is taken out of proportion (imo of course). The funny thing is fans think it's ludicrous when it happens against their team but brilliantly smart when their own teams do it.

This will be eventually taken care of by some radical law change. In a similar way blatant goal keeper (or player) encroachments was knowingly ignored.
It's not about current viewers, it's about attracting new viewers. Viewers who consume football in a different way. Younger viewers who want everything instantly.
They can pipe down and suffer it then.

I'm vehemently against stop-clocking/exact time laws, they will offer zero value to the game IMO. This is my one hill I will die on. :)
Blatant timewasting and gamesmanship and football authorities unwillingness to deal with it is one of my biggest pet hates about football and has been for years. I read and hear a lot about "managing the show" and not giving trivial cards, but as a supporter I feel cheated by seeing far less of a show due to timewasting etc.

Near the end of the Leicester Vs Arsenal game, there was a Leicester foul in the Arsenal area, near the 6 yard box. Arsenal player walks with the ball at his feet until he and the ball are well outside the penalty area, he and several other Arsenal players then walk away from the ball, Ramsdale eventually walks over to retrieve the ball and return it to where the foul was committed, no hint of a hurry up from the the referee.

Regardless of the score or time in the game, this sort of nonsense, keepers using up to a minute to take a goalkick, holding the ball in hands often as much as 20 seconds etc has been allowed to fester unpunished and become so engrained in the game, that the rare occasions it is dealt with referees are deemed to be over-reacting! 🤬
I’ve often said that the ‘6 second rule’ should be changed to a longer timeframe. At this stage, 6 seconds is ignored by every referee and really, it’s too short. nobody can say they enforce it and if we did we’d look ‘busy’ so make it a more realistic timeframe like 15 seconds and enforce it. It’s a realistic time in which a keeper can claim the ball, get up (if grounded) and pick an option out
I’ve often said that the ‘6 second rule’ should be changed to a longer timeframe. At this stage, 6 seconds is ignored by every referee and really, it’s too short. nobody can say they enforce it and if we did we’d look ‘busy’ so make it a more realistic timeframe like 15 seconds and enforce it. It’s a realistic time in which a keeper can claim the ball, get up (if grounded) and pick an option out
That's good in concept, but will it actually be enforced, or will we then ignore 15 seconds? I actually think 6 seconds (which is supposed to start once the GK has had time to gather himself from the ground and stand up) is plenty of time. (If 5 seconds is enough for a basketball player to throw a ball in against a pressing defense in a compact space, and 6 seconds is enough for a restart in futsal, then 6 seconds is plenty of time for a GK who always has the option of just punting the ball upfield.)

We don't fail to enforce it because it isn't a long enough time; we don't enforce it because the sanction is so harsh and no one else enforces it--so we're likely going to end up giving at least one caution if we do call it. I wouldn't mind seeing a trial of strict-ish enforcement (perhaps warning at 5 seconds and called at 8) and see what happens. I think calls would be rare. And we could take pressure off the call by softening the sanction to a CK or something similar rather than the IFK in the PA.
They can pipe down and suffer it then.

I'm vehemently against stop-clocking/exact time laws, they will offer zero value to the game IMO. This is my one hill I will die on. :)
Get to the top of that hill then. I can see it happening because the problem is beyond recall. We'll end up with two sets of Rules
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That's good in concept, but will it actually be enforced, or will we then ignore 15 seconds? I actually think 6 seconds (which is supposed to start once the GK has had time to gather himself from the ground and stand up) is plenty of time. (If 5 seconds is enough for a basketball player to throw a ball in against a pressing defense in a compact space, and 6 seconds is enough for a restart in futsal, then 6 seconds is plenty of time for a GK who always has the option of just punting the ball upfield.)

We don't fail to enforce it because it isn't a long enough time; we don't enforce it because the sanction is so harsh and no one else enforces it--so we're likely going to end up giving at least one caution if we do call it. I wouldn't mind seeing a trial of strict-ish enforcement (perhaps warning at 5 seconds and called at 8) and see what happens. I think calls would be rare. And we could take pressure off the call by softening the sanction to a CK or something similar rather than the IFK in the PA.

i know this is a slight tangent but one of my major bugbears is a keeper taking a ball (often late in the game when winning / holding out for a draw) and then collapsing on the floor to waste a few seconds.

we are all comlicit here, i've never called it though i have given a few keepers the hurry up, but i'd love there to be a new emphasis / directive from up high that the 6 second rule and other blatent time wasting be very much strictly enforced
i know this is a slight tangent but one of my major bugbears is a keeper taking a ball (often late in the game when winning / holding out for a draw) and then collapsing on the floor to waste a few seconds.

we are all comlicit here, i've never called it though i have given a few keepers the hurry up, but i'd love there to be a new emphasis / directive from up high that the 6 second rule and other blatent time wasting be very much strictly enforced
Also, what % of MC's are caused by someone holding onto the ball after a goal is scored?
Also, what % of MC's are caused by someone holding onto the ball after a goal is scored?

Just players being d*cks! Football is full of cynical play that is often not punished or rewarded, the authorities have their priorities wrong and can't be bothered doing what's needed to make the game better
i know this is a slight tangent but one of my major bugbears is a keeper taking a ball (often late in the game when winning / holding out for a draw) and then collapsing on the floor to waste a few seconds.

we are all comlicit here, i've never called it though i have given a few keepers the hurry up, but i'd love there to be a new emphasis / directive from up high that the 6 second rule and other blatent time wasting be very much strictly enforced

Time wasting kills the game. It takes the excitement out of the match which nobody wants.

I'd have a stop clock and an automatic yellow card for any player who touches the ball after the whistle when their team has been penalised. Players just kick it away after they've been penalised and nothing happens. Last night the Wolves keeper had the ball in his hands after an offside had been given and threw it out of play and started to walk away from where the IDFK needed to be taken from! The most blatant piece of time wasting possible. Atkinson (no blame as everyone does it) waited for him to finally spot the ball and then waved his arm to hurry the keeper up, which was ignored. Amount of time added on for it. 0 seconds.
Time wasting kills the game. It takes the excitement out of the match which nobody wants.

I'd have a stop clock and an automatic yellow card for any player who touches the ball after the whistle when their team has been penalised. Players just kick it away after they've been penalised and nothing happens. Last night the Wolves keeper had the ball in his hands after an offside had been given and threw it out of play and started to walk away from where the IDFK needed to be taken from! The most blatant piece of time wasting possible. Atkinson (no blame as everyone does it) waited for him to finally spot the ball and then waved his arm to hurry the keeper up, which was ignored. Amount of time added on for it. 0 seconds.

Yes yes yes 🙌
That's good in concept, but will it actually be enforced, or will we then ignore 15 seconds? I actually think 6 seconds (which is supposed to start once the GK has had time to gather himself from the ground and stand up) is plenty of time. (If 5 seconds is enough for a basketball player to throw a ball in against a pressing defense in a compact space, and 6 seconds is enough for a restart in futsal, then 6 seconds is plenty of time for a GK who always has the option of just punting the ball upfield.)

We don't fail to enforce it because it isn't a long enough time; we don't enforce it because the sanction is so harsh and no one else enforces it--so we're likely going to end up giving at least one caution if we do call it. I wouldn't mind seeing a trial of strict-ish enforcement (perhaps warning at 5 seconds and called at 8) and see what happens. I think calls would be rare. And we could take pressure off the call by softening the sanction to a CK or something similar rather than the IFK in the PA.
4 seconds in futsal restarts, including goal keeper's goal clearance.
The laws are already there to sort this out. Referees (and their instructors and employers) just need to enforce them. At the moment the sort of cr@p that gets on the way include
- manage the manageable
- keep all players on the field
- manage the event
- if you card this you've never played the game
- everybody does it

As I said before, it won't happent untill a radical enforcement similar to penalty kick encroachment comes from up above. As it stands referees won't enforce it because they fell they will be punished for their inability to 'manage it'.
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Totally agree.

I like to search (and search) for videos of specific fouls, particularly cards, for education.

When I see YC for delay of game, I cheer.

Foul: opponent kicks ball away, picks up ball and walks away with it, becomes the statue, retreats to 2 yards and not 10.

Ceremonial. Ref draws ball mark then walks 10 yards, draws line and yet at least one defender is still at the ball.

I can watch a whole weekend of Premier games and then watch youth soccer doing what the pros do because they're taught to learn from them. And the refs in the youth games like me...well, we enforce the law about these delays and the kids wonder why they cant get away with it.