TOT V NEW (not another one)

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I don't see why this is so complex:

The referees are getting it right.
VAR is getting it right.
It is unacceptable for England to believe you're different from the rest of the world.
When we are all on the same page, then we can kick off at IFAB and ask them to fix both aspects of the handball law.

My personal take is that IFAB are using this current law as a stepping stone - that once the whole world is using the same harsh law we'll eventually see 'every time it hits the arm its a HB offence'.
A&H International
OR why do other countries think they have the right to do things differently to us - it works both ways and rather denies the fact that as nations across the world we ARE all different!

This is a joke right? The laws have to be universal so either you want England to fall into line with the rest of the world or you have some strange superiority complex where you believe the rest of the world should do as England do?
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