Touchline Flags


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Long shot here guys, but I've been handed a game where I have A/R's this weekend for the first time in years and my flags are only cheap ones. Ordered some Touchline flags from A&H today but it would appear they have these on back order and doubtful I'll get them for the weekend.

Does anyone have any of these kicking around they may wish to sell? Alternatively, anyone in the Sheffield area able to loan me a set for a day?

I'll use the cheapos if this proves fruitless, but was hoping to look the part and appear organised. Failing that I'll ask my 2 A/R's if they have a set of Touchline flags to bring along.

If anyone can offer any suggestions that would be great. Thanks for reading guys :)
A&H International
It's not terrible to have cheap flags for a weekend I wouldn't think, so I wouldn't get hell bent on getting them specifically for this weekend as the cheap ones will do. From experience I know all the cheap flags are is a mild inconvenience.
It's not terrible to have cheap flags for a weekend I wouldn't think, so I wouldn't get hell bent on getting them specifically for this weekend as the cheap ones will do. From experience I know all the cheap flags are is a mild inconvenience.

True, I've had them a few years mind and they have the foam handles which I've always hated using myself. I did have a set of rubber handled ones at one point, they seem to have been taken by the garage gremlins!
I wouldn't be too worried about asking your AR's - either in advance, or just on the day. I always bring my set along, whatever the situation, and I've twice been an AR where the other AR has supplied the flags for exactly the reason you describe - his were nicer than any the referee could get hold of on the day.
I've always know it that as a team of 3, we compare flags and use the nicest and most clean - anything to make you look good and smart as a team!

Edit: mine are neither the nicest or the cleanest! :p:D need to purchase some Touchline ones at some point too
I've always know it that as a team of 3, we compare flags and use the nicest and most clean - anything to make you look good and smart as a team!

Edit: mine are neither the nicest or the cleanest! :p:D need to purchase some Touchline ones at some point too

That's what it's all about for me as well, looking the part and projecting that professional image. Won't lie, my CartaSport ones are probably the cheapest and flimsiest set of flags I've ever owned but they still do the same job I suppose. They just look a bit naff compared to the Touchline Flags.

I'd love to know where my rubber handled ones went to, suspect someone had a spring clean at some point and kept quiet when I asked if they had seen them :mad::mad:
the club i play for supply the refs with flags to give to the CARs, and our club secretary says they go through a few sets each season with them 'going walkies' every so often ... i'd like to think its just absentmindedness than people half-inching cheapo gear