Tweaked Hamstring


RefChat Addict
Well, the great British weather has got me. A massive downpour half way through my second game this morning turned the pitch into a mud bath and I slipped when turning to keep up with a quick break, my hamstring tightened up almost instantly but I just about managed to get through the rest of the game. It was sore but Yaya's (absolutely brilliant btw) third goal this afternoon finished me off, struggled to walk back to the car and I'm in agony now.

Any suggestions for how I can ease the pain a bit? I'll have to make a decision on next weekend closer to the time, not sure it's worth risking though, particularly because I usually do 3/4 games per week once the clocks go forward.
A&H International
Hamstring's are a pain (excuse the pun), would try some stretching and if you know anyone handy at it, it might be worth getting a massage, if it's not to bad on the day then plenty of deep heat and stretching during the warm.

Otherwise I'd say leave it and rest as best you can.
If it's really bad I would try RICE:

Rest - (Self Explanatory)
Ice - Apply an ice pack.
Compression - Wrap a bandage tightly around the area.
Elevation - Raise the injury above heart level.
If it's really bad I would try RICE:

Rest - (Self Explanatory)
Ice - Apply an ice pack.
Compression - Wrap a bandage tightly around the area.
Elevation - Raise the injury above heart level.

Someone's doing GCSE PE... ;)
For me I just rest and if it's not good I have a nice bath. Last year I used to get a FREE massage, as in PE we had to learn it as a module.
Having torn a hamstring I think I'm well versed to advise on this.

Rest, rest some more, then rest some more.

Also get a tennis ball and stick it under your leg and lie on it and try and move it up and down. Worked a treat for me
Thanks for the tips everyone :) It actually feels much looser this morning, but that may have something to do with all the deep heat. I hadn't heard of RICE, but i'll give it a try!