Junior/Youth Two knock out cup games this weekend


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
Ace. Didn't do any games last week so looking forward to these.

Two KO cup games from the league I referee in. One under 16 one under 17. Both go to extra time and penalties if need be. Which is ace as I've never refereed games that finish on that day, as they normally go to a replay rather than pens.

Really looking forward to it as the venue is nice and has a decent clubhouse so I can get a decent cuppa between games.
A&H International
Lol we will see how ace it feels if they both go to extra time and pens!!


Enjoy them.
Lol we will see how ace it feels if they both go to extra time and pens!!


Enjoy them.

The refs secretary wanted me to do a third u18 after. Not sure I could manage three in a row, unless they were much younger ages!