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Active Member
Aloha everyone and I hope everyone is well. It's been a long time, I needed to take a very long break after this past season and really hope everyone has had some great matches. The USSF referee department here is a mess and its troubling. I dropped out because I could not get any help at my state level and then all of a sudden US Soccer decided to change everything again. For our small island, grassroots to the core it is devastating. I am the top ref on this rock and I cannot even get information to let alone log into to see what is next. I was an admin here and assignor but sad to say I gave up on that this past spring.

The fall season has started and I am happy picking the games I will run. I am back to what I am... a referee.

Thanks for all the support and appreciate any feedback. This is probably not the right category,,, but Kona wheat ale makes you see blurry...

A&H International
And I will send two emails a week to these morons for 6 months......I know everyone has ref troubles but this is really a travesty.
My name is ............ here on the island of Kauai. Grade 7 referee, Grade 8 assignor, and past Kauai referee admin. I call you all out here first and foremost. I am not going to make this a lovely email for you.

You all in the referee department in the US have dropped the ball for over 10 years and you know who is suffering the most? The smaller communities such as ours here on the Garden Isle. I am so frustrated with your lack of monetary commitment to the grassroots aspect of the game. When I started, the first thing that I incorporated into my referee motto was safe, fair and fun. Also was that it took three things for a match of soccer to take place. Three things and you all at the referee department have severely dropped the ball on one of them. If you do not know the three things, here they are. It takes players, coaches, and referees. That's. right. REFEREES. I will keep this email civil but I know that I speak for numerous referees around the country.

You have made it too hard too soon to recruit new referees and you will continue to suffer for this. I just got my 30 dollar background check done and have not gotten any other information from any of you at the referee department. If you do not want to do the admin job then step aside and let someone that can help the grassroots referees, please. It is a mess trying to sort all of this and it will continue to lead to the decline in the pool of referees. I can't even sort my own stuff and I am legit. It is a mess and you need to fix it or why would any referee continue to pay into a referee department that will not provide support and descent help for their referees?

What I sent to US Soccer which is a joke... and again the wrong category but I am so frustrated and will send this email to them every day.

Sad to say I will not be refereeing the Kauai Interscholastic Federation soccer this season. Nor Hawaii State Youth Association either. I put up the names because everyone at least here needs a title. This is a call out to the small grassroots league. We have less than 600 players and per season the new USSF rules and regulations have lost the soul of futbol here and have lost referees. They will not commit a monetary value to the referee department and it is a mess. Please give the USSF referee department at least 5 years to maybe catch up. Its a **** show and a tragedy. I actually received a pay cut when I run a solo game because we have no AR's. A pay cut for real.

I put this up because I know a lot of you are the same boat. I do not get any help here and its a pisser.

Grade 7 Referee
Grade 8 Assignor
165 Plus Adult Competitive league
1860 Plus Youth Competitive League
Red cards?.....enough
Yellow?... at least 47

Mahalo, Dave
Sad to say I will not be refereeing the Kauai Interscholastic Federation soccer this season. Nor Hawaii State Youth Association either. I put up the names because everyone at least here needs a title. This is a call out to the small grassroots league. We have less than 600 players and per season the new USSF rules and regulations have lost the soul of futbol here and have lost referees. They will not commit a monetary value to the referee department and it is a mess. Please give the USSF referee department at least 5 years to maybe catch up. Its a **** show and a tragedy. I actually received a pay cut when I run a solo game because we have no AR's. A pay cut for real.

I put this up because I know a lot of you are the same boat. I do not get any help here and its a pisser.

Grade 7 Referee
Grade 8 Assignor
165 Plus Adult Competitive league
1860 Plus Youth Competitive League
Red cards?.....enough
Yellow?... at least 47

Mahalo, Dave
Sounds like you’ve really been pulled through the proverbial ringer Mr Dave.... Welcome back though...
Thanks, Shef. It is a mess here for the smaller communities among others for the referee program. I am going back to work for free on the real grassroots level here in AYSO and will not renew my license. It's a **** show here as far as US Soccer goes and they will hopefully figure it out.

Cheers and Mahalo, Dave.
I am not really sure I fully understand what is happening here but we should remember that with finite resources, an organization must choose where those resources go. The USSF has a mandate to try to develop the game to the highest level possible to give the senior MNT the best opportunity to continue to improve and perform on a world stage. As such, high performance (and high density) programmes will always receive the lion's share of funding.
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