One thing I hate about refs reliance on VAR too much is that they no longer blow for things and expect VAR to pick it up if a goal is scored.
If no goal is scored they won't bring it back.

If a player is fouled, or a handball for instance, and ref does the famous "let it play out", it can take a short while before it goes out/in.
If they had scored they'd have reviewed it and likely given a free kick. As they didn't, they could've earn a corner or a.n.other attacking decision.. Once the corner is taken they can't go back to the handball or foul, even if they score from it.
A&H International
Some evidence of them delaying the whistle, much like they do with the flag
Never ceases to amaze me how badly the game is officiated worldwide because the book/protocol can't be adhered to
I think the point is that "they didn't" because there is a VAR review.

I am just guessing but I'd say a large % of the decisions corrected by VAR would have been correctly if there was no VAR. On the surface this looks ok because we think as long as the end decision is right.... But this means there would now be a lot more critical decision that are wrong (but not clearly and obviously).

I like the concept of VAR but due to poor implementation it hasn't come close to expectations it set.
We all mocked him, but he spoke the truth!

Came back here to find this after the last few weeks, I feel like he’s right. A horrible last couple of weeks for VAR