

The avuncular one
Okay, I have gone veggy. Not for fitness reasons, but ethical ones. The way humans treat animals is horrific. Do some video searches on slaughter houses etc if you are interested, it certainly turned me. There was one video I watched on the conveyor belt nature of animal slaughtering and the conditions animals were kept in and it brought tears to my eyes. Not ashamed to admit it either. And I love the taste of meat - just cannot justify the ethical cost.

Anyway, down from the soap box and to the point of the post.

It has been over a week since the switch and i have to say I am feeling fitter as a result. Certainly seeing improvements in my cardio. The only real thing I am concerned about is my protein intake, so might return to taking a protein supplement.

Any other veggies on here? Any advice.

And yes I do miss bacon. There is no veggy alternative which is any thing like it....
A&H International
Fair play to you, don't think i could do it, id miss bacon and steak far too much :D
I'd miss chicken too much to even consider it!

In terms of protein, I hear the quorn range is quite good!
I have been using quorn chicken styled fillets as my chicken substitute. Its like eating cooked cardboard! Will get used to it I guess. :D
Plenty of bananas, monkey......tho' you knew that already ;)

What's yellow and smells of bananas?

Monkey vomit
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If your a fitness and results freak SM ?

Have a look at HERBALIFE .....No advertising intended , I can point in the right direction ....

I tried it but my will power lost out to Beer ....inevitable !!!!

Works though !

Pm me for details if you fancy it ?
I have a family member who pimps that stuff out. Not really my thing, but thanks @Beezer

As I said, not really for any other reason than it being an ethics based choice
ohhhhh i could have a conversation with you about the ethics of slaughtering ... my main point being that there is a circle of life and a food chain, one that we humans belong at the top of - plus my Grandad worked as a slaughterman for years so my 'caring' side wasnt really adapted ...

all im saying is, you want to keep the animals alive, yet you eat their food source?! haha

also, there is no real supplement for Protein, no amount of tablets or quorn will do anywhere near the same job ... Herballife is a labortory tested and drug enhanced crap, no good for the body really or digestive system.

rather then give up meat, maybe you should try free range and organic meats? read the packets and look for the 'red tractor' all that stuff is contolled by certain slaughter and breeding regulations
You are using arguments I have used myself Charlie, when I was a meat eater (last week!)

There are a lot of holes in that argument. Humans are manipulating the food used for animals to enourage growth etc. Often/always this is very unhealthy for animals. Let's use chicken as an example - force fed corn, living knee deep in its own excrement and ther dead fellow chickens. This causes a massive surge in the amount of salmenela in them. Take corn away, return them to whatever their natural diet is, amount of salmenela massively reduces.

I do agree there are more ethically responsible farmers out there.

So much for not being "one of those" vegatarians! :)
Can't believe that you missed the main weakness in Charlie's argument, monkey :eek:

all im saying is, you want to keep the animals alive, yet you eat their food source?! haha

Surely this is not the argument since, if there was no demand for these animal products then these animals would not exist. Monkey's post was about the way they are killed not about keeping them alive.

Moving on, so what about leather products, monkey.....shoes, football boots, car seats, sofas, etc, etc, etc....you giving them up, too?
I personally love meat, and I'm not interested in debates, and not really that worried about how it's treated before it gets to my plate. I am aware this is a poor attitude!

A friend of mine swears by quinoa, he uses that a lot. Also chick peas. He'll stick them in most things and think they are meant to be pretty good for protein.

Just out of interest are you still eating fish? And I'm genuinely interested, not trying to strike up a debate. People are entitled to their own opinions and decisions on what they want to eat.
I'm not sure about fish. Gonna play that one by ear. I don't eat a lot of it anyway, mostly tuna. As for others eating meat, crack on - I don't deny it tastes lovely and I had pretty much the same attitude as you @DaveMac so I cannot fault anyone else for that. :)

I'm not going vegan, so leather etc is fine @haywain - what an odd contradiction that is!
@Supermonkey I'm honestly fine with people going veggie for your reasons. I'm sure if I researched it like you I'd come to the same conclusion. I'm not sure I want to though at this point in my life!
I'm not sure what I've just walked in on!

Monkey, just spoke to the fella on pitch 7, he's located your testicles and they are ready for collection at the clubhouse !

Best thing to do monkey is buy meat from farms you know. Not sure what its like near you but we have a local farm that sells everything and you can see the animals.

Not sure about using leather either, that's much more unethical surely?

Either way monkey, well done. Takes some doing.

Just watched this documentary on the struggle of barley and hops and the way brewery's treat them. Want to watch it monkey? ;)
Monkey, just spoke to the fella on pitch 7, he's located your testicles and they are ready for collection at the clubhouse !

line of the month award, surely

thought you were going to say 'ready for collection at window 2' for a second there, Herts
Supermonkey, hope it goes well for you. I have reduced the amount of meat I eat a lot recently and so can afford to pay a bit more for higher welfare stuff but would struggle to go completely vegetarian.

I agree that referees know everything and so Refchat is obviously the first place to ask about a vegetarian diet but a close second might be the Vegetarian Society - lots of good stuff here.

Good luck!
My wife is a vegan. She is on the ball with it all, which makes all this easier