Very Interesting article

Whilst I agree with you up to a point, referees alone cannot eradicate this problem. It needs an organised, uniform and coherent response led by us grassroots referees and PROPERLY backed up by the CFA's.

ALL referees need to deal with dissent/OFFINABUS/coach and spectator misconduct properly, even if that means five red cards a game. The CFA's then need to start backing up the referees by doing away with the pathetic personal hearing approach (the same process that concluded I had not been assaulted) and dishing out appropriate punishments instead of pandering to the clubs.

With a true zero tolerance approach, we could get our game back!

"pathetic personal hearing approach" - might have trouble dispensing "justice" fairly if you don't give accused chance to answer the charges against them - dispensing with a legal right isn't going to achieve anything IMHO.
A&H International
"pathetic personal hearing approach" - might have trouble dispensing "justice" fairly if you don't give accused chance to answer the charges against them - dispensing with a legal right isn't going to achieve anything IMHO.

Perhaps should have made that clearer. Not suggesting for a minute that there's no right to answer or challenge charges, but the current process is heavily weighted again favour of the accused; IMO the current process discourages referees from reporting misconduct.

There should absolutely be a right to answer charges, but it needs to be by way of a fair process, which isn't the case currently.
Don't start me on personal hearings. I am not questioning the players right to one, just the way they are held. We send in our reports, and then have to justify them in front of a committee who tend to doubt the validity of our reports.
Don't start me on personal hearings. I am not questioning the players right to one, just the way they are held. We send in our reports, and then have to justify them in front of a committee who tend to doubt the validity of our reports.

I agree. I'm still angry about my last one. It was literally a waste of my time, the accused admitted using the word c€*t repeatedly etc etc and pointing towards me whilst shouting, however his defence was he was saying it to someone behind me.... CFA decision... unproven. The mind boggles!
I agree. I'm still angry about my last one. It was literally a waste of my time, the accused admitted using the word c€*t repeatedly etc etc and pointing towards me whilst shouting, however his defence was he was saying it to someone behind me.... CFA decision... unproven. The mind boggles!

Spot on. I'll never forgive the CFA for my last personal hearing.

After I was assaulted, the player requested a personal hearing at which I was accused by the club representative of walking aggressively towards the player and making it up (why the panel allowed the representative to behave like that is beyond me). Of course, the player had several "witnesses" who said nothing had happened, one of which I KNOW was not at the game. The result......not proven. I was disgusted and very nearly walked away from the game because of it.
The enforcing of the rules needs to start at the elite level. It's not just the relatively "polite" questioning of every decision that gets ignored, but the screaming, snarling, arm-waving....we've all seen it on MOTD. It's seen as the "professional" thing to do. Zero tolerance at the pro level would make it a lot easier to apply at the grass roots.
I'm amazed at these CFA stories. The 3 hearings I've attended my word carried much more weight than the accused.
Basically came down to my word versus them. County backed me every time.
The enforcing of the rules needs to start at the elite level. It's not just the relatively "polite" questioning of every decision that gets ignored, but the screaming, snarling, arm-waving....we've all seen it on MOTD. It's seen as the "professional" thing to do. Zero tolerance at the pro level would make it a lot easier to apply at the grass roots.

Good look with that.

The pros may come out with the normal "can't hear it" excuses, but anyone who thinks that the Premier League clubs would let their top players get a caution or sent off for shouting at the ref needs their head testing.

The clubs at the top all own a portion of the premier league, and to an extent have a say in what goes.
So far this season I have had to write 3 misconduct reports in 7 weeks 2 at youth football and one at an adult Christian league game
Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best solutions.

Clubs should be taking the brunt of the responsibility for the actions of both players and especially PARENTS. I underline parents because they, believe it or not are the worst offenders.

A simple solution would be for all clubs to start the season with a set number of “Behaviour/Respect” points. For every incident, no matter how trivial involving a player or PARENT (off the field of play) the club will lose points. Once they have lost half of their points the club gets a suspension from their respective league i.e. no league games for a specified period and the team they were meant to play are awarded the 3 points. Once back from suspension, the club can earn back points based on “Behaviour/Respect” points awarded by the referee at their games.

This would put the onus on the clubs to ensure that they warn parents and players, before each game, about their conduct (off the field of play)

This idea works in two ways. Punish those clubs who can’t control their members but also reward them for making an effort to sort out their problems.


I am a parent myself however the academy my son plays for has a zero-tolerance approach to parents on the side-lines. We can cheer our kids on but that’s it.