Waiting for the big one

santa sangria

RefChat Addict
Well, I guess I’ve been due a hot one. And this was smoking hot.

5 red cards, all second yellows.
Last match of the season, one relegated team against the worst of the rest. Nothing to play for but lots of players who have trouble playing to the laws. And one team lost it early.

Unfortunately, some extra reports. One red followed by some aggressive antics towards me. Another followed by some bonus offensive language towards me and two additional reports of racist language.

The footballing decisions were basically easy. There were 12 yellows but none were complex. Blatant reckless hacks, blatant SPA, eff off dissent stuff. And foul detection simple too.

But both teams born frustrated after rubbish seasons. I knew to expect a tough time as I have been with both teams. Obviously not expecting this level of stupidity!

Of course wondering what i could have differently. I keep coming back to the first red. The player was aggressive, shouting, in my face, forcing me to retreat. I could have abandoned I think. Might have seemed harsh but it wasn’t sport from this point on. The team would still be facing a loss and hearing.

Problem is I knew the teams, subconsciously my excuse and “confidence” to continue. My matches have generally gone so well for so long that maybe I tried to manage too much.

At least, next time my threshold for abandonment will be much lower.
A&H International
I have reffed 25+ years and the most yellows in any game was 6 in total (1 red for 2 yellows and 4 separate yellows).

I have only ever abandoned 3 games.

Why do teams just go out to hack, kick and abuse the ref?
Sometimes they just come intent on chaos and retribution for all the season’s woes. It doesn’t sound like you could have done much more short of abandoning the game which no referee enjoys. Why they can’t finish the season with a bit of fun and good humour is a mystery to me. At least you got your card count up and obviously did a brilliant job of remembering who was on yellow!
I've just watched the whole the thing as there was the Veo cam. I found the turning point. Strangely just before the first red, the away star player did a blatant shirt pull, but it was missed by his mouthy teammates, so they were surprised.

I'm looking for mistakes and I've found a couple. There was a penalty encroachment by the attacker scored, should have been a retake, but I gave IDFK - ouch - but this advantaged the difficult team and there were no complaints. Also one late hit after a shot. It was one of those where no one expects a penalty but it should have been at least a warning, or really an easy yellow for home. At half time I took an ear full from the problem player, and I probably should have given him a second yellow then. One of the non-dramatic away reds in the second half did look unnecessary - one of the yellows was soft - but so much had been going on and the player was stomping into every challenge in quick succession.

On a positive note, at least I acted consistent throughout. It was so much more boring to watch than at the time!
Good your thinking about it and reflecting. Also good that you don't sound mentally impacted. I guess it shows maturity.

TBH I don't really see just for abandonment. You finished the game with no straight red cards and you don't think you missed any either. Even on reflection I don't see abandonment would have been justified.
For what it is worth I think it takes a good and committed referee to seek out the video of their game and to review their performance in such an honest way.

It is also always good to solve the mystery of the incident that started the shenanigans and retaliation.
Good your thinking about it and reflecting. Also good that you don't sound mentally impacted. I guess it shows maturity.

TBH I don't really see just for abandonment. You finished the game with no straight red cards and you don't think you missed any either. Even on reflection I don't see abandonment would have been justified.
Fair comment. No straight reds. But I count five straight red card offences - admittedly four for the same player!

It goes back to the first red and the follow up, which isn’t on camera as I backed up swiftly out of shot.

There’s a talking point - when to stand your ground, when to back away? Stand your ground and it is binary - a player either avoids contact or makes contact, and escalation/safety issues.

If you back up, it’s obvious dissent if a player follows you shouting, and the likelihood of contact and personal safety issues is reduced. This happened twice in this match (the more serious off camera). I can see that this is ”managing” the player and makes it easier to give lesser sanctions. Which may not actually be smart refereeing!

Obviously case by case YMMV. I now think, if I had to back up then it was a defence mechanism. My conscious self is all about keeping control but I think this betrays that underneath I was concerned for my safety.
From the OP I didn't get any safety concern impressions. The are a couple of time I recommend abandonment. One is if you feel safety concerns for yourself or anyone else on the field. I am thinking VC here not a reckless act. Now if you felt that then you should have abandoned. Of course it is not always black or white, it's the grey area in the middle that leaves you with doubts. Reading your later post I feel that you were in the grey zone.

The other is prob not relevant here but when you feel intimidated enough that you deliberately make wrong decision for fear of consequences of the correct decision (this is not always safety fear), you should also abandon.
From the OP I didn't get any safety concern impressions. The are a couple of time I recommend abandonment. One is if you feel safety concerns for yourself or anyone else on the field. I am thinking VC here not a reckless act. Now if you felt that then you should have abandoned. Of course it is not always black or white, it's the grey area in the middle that leaves you with doubts. Reading your later post I feel that you were in the grey zone.

The other is prob not relevant here but when you feel intimidated enough that you deliberately make wrong decision for fear of consequences of the correct decision (this is not always safety fear), you should also abandon.
Excellent advice number @one
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Just to report, tricky cup game in freezing conditions last night. Ambulance delay after 7 seconds! I heard the ankle snap in the centre circle.

But then one card, one goal. A bit of Fifa fingers. No drama. In control. Normal service resumed. So happy:)
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Well, I guess I’ve been due a hot one. And this was smoking hot.

5 red cards, all second yellows.
Last match of the season, one relegated team against the worst of the rest. Nothing to play for but lots of players who have trouble playing to the laws. And one team lost it early.

Unfortunately, some extra reports. One red followed by some aggressive antics towards me. Another followed by some bonus offensive language towards me and two additional reports of racist language.

The footballing decisions were basically easy. There were 12 yellows but none were complex. Blatant reckless hacks, blatant SPA, eff off dissent stuff. And foul detection simple too.

But both teams born frustrated after rubbish seasons. I knew to expect a tough time as I have been with both teams. Obviously not expecting this level of stupidity!

Of course wondering what i could have differently. I keep coming back to the first red. The player was aggressive, shouting, in my face, forcing me to retreat. I could have abandoned I think. Might have seemed harsh but it wasn’t sport from this point on. The team would still be facing a loss and hearing.

Problem is I knew the teams, subconsciously my excuse and “confidence” to continue. My matches have generally gone so well for so long that maybe I tried to manage too much.

At least, next time my threshold for abandonment will be much lower.
Well, I'm logging on to moan about my match but yours sounds much worse! I hope you don't have another one like this, ever!