Wanted - Umbro Diamond Shorts in Large


New Member
Level 8 Referee
Self explanatory really, I need some Diamond shorts in a large please.

Not sure how A&H can justify £28 plus P&P for a pair of shorts but maybe that's me just being tight!

If anyone has any Diamond socks (size 7-10 or what ever they are) I'd be interested in them too.

Seems to be the odd shirt on eBay but haven't seen any shorts yet...
A&H International
Diamond / Respect / Wembley shorts are like gold dust!

The only thing I would say, if you do buy a pair of shorts, they will last an age. I have had my Umbro respect shorts since they came out in 2009 (?) and they are like new.

Be mindful as well, the diamond shorts are smaller than you think!
I just got a new pair medium. My old ones the cord shredded. Still wearable but just wanted a new pair really. as I got them from my FAMOA points neither FA or A&H wanted to know.
Oh well. If anyone wants them you can have them for £15 inc del.