Wanting to send a player off


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
I've got a game this coming Saturday - they'll be someone playing who I really want to send off

He may not commit a foul, take his top off after scoring a goal, may not even give me any dissent at all

... but I really REALLY want to send him off !! !!

Hints & tips please how I can best find a way to get this fella sent off
A&H International
I've seen referees go out of their way to antagonise players, provoke a reaction - am hoping for something a bit more subtle - but at the same time - effective - I'd rather bin him early on ...
@es1 - match control ... until I bin him I'll be pre-occupied with him - sooner the better for my overall match control ...
I don't understand why you'd go out of your way to create a problem for yourself! If you send him off when it's clear to the players you have either provoked him or overreacted it could easily effect your match control the other way.

I can't believe you're coming on a referee forum asking this as a genuine question. If anyone (RDO, ref sec etc.) got wind of this, particularly after you'd sent him off, you'd be in a world of bother.
Obviously I'd rather he got himself sent off - but - he may need a helping hand to push him over the edge / off the pitch ...
Are you for real? Like, seriously for real?

If you are, may I strongly suggest 3 things

1) Consider getting yourself off this game. You have interests at the heart of your attention which could antagonise the match and cause problems; not only for yourself, but the players and spectators also.

2) Players read these forums. Think before you post

3) Take a break from refereeing for a bit because thoughts like these and your subsequent actions are going to reflect very badly on you.

Im still asking myself if you are serious or not.... Surely you can't be?!?
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I say go for it ... the thing is, if you antagonise him and he doesn't react then you'll put him off his game and he wont perform as well, so its like a win/win?

is this the cup final you was talking about?
Yep @Charlie Jones - his biggest game of the season - I want to get inside his head - put him off his game - cherry on the icing on the cake will be him reacting and me walking him in front of all his friends & family
As a player myself (queue the cheers), If I realised that the referee was trying his best to send me off, I'd be straight on to the County at the next available opportunity.

We all know players, managers, spectators etc that really grind our gears. You will always have that in the back of your head, you can't get away from that. But start each game with a fresh mind. If he does anything wrong, penalise him iaw L12 but don't antagonize him.

How do we as referees feel when we are being antagonised on the pitch?

Don't go out specifically looking to caution and/or send people off. That is very bad drills. Expect to use the assets available to you, but don't look for reasons. And especially do not induce these reasons into the game and into the heads of the players. They will soon see straight through you and you will have a very difficult game on your hands!
surely, if theres a personal issue with this guy you have to get yourself off the game, cup final or not, just for the sake of your integrity.
100000% agree with this!

I took myself off a game last week because of a personal issue. It's just not worth it! It happens it was the opposite of this reason; the team that I was due to ref was full of ex team-mates and some of my best buddies! Although I doubt it would have, it could have clouded my judgement. Straight on the phone and had the game swapped.
IF you are lookink for every opportunity to send someone off, you will loose concentration and probably miss a dismissable offence
@richard ramjane - I don't really have any issues with him - actually quite like the fella - but - I felt he really let me down last time I saw him

@DB - good points - would normally be very happy to use the assets at my disposal - but - for him - as above - I want to find a way to help him on his way
yeah but so long as its this player?

to be fair guys, Alex was telling me about him, his a referee himself - level 7 but thinks his the dogs doodahs - id want to send him too! prove a point ya know?
But you can't let that cloud your judgement. I know the sort of guy you are on about but you have to treat the games as separate entities
OK fellas - thanks for feedback ... I am going to walk him asap

... 1st throw-in he takes from the wrong (in my eyes) place - I'll caution him
... Hopefully he'll react and it'll be an easy 2nd yellow

If he's not taking the throw-ins I'll do the same for a free-kick he takes ... that's it - light bulb moment - I'm a genius - I give him a cheap free-kick to start the process to get him sent off ... I could do this in the first few minutes :) :)
to be fair guys, Alex was telling me about him, his a referee himself - level 7 but thinks his the dogs doodahs - id want to send him too! prove a point ya know?
How does that make it ok?!

I'm seriously hoping you're both trolling us, but if not, please come off the game. You're an embarrassment to the rest of us.