Open Age Well, what a game!

A&H International
This mornings game... 7 yellows, 1 red (to a substitute on the sidelines) and an allegation of racial abuse (fortunately not against me)

Who'd be a ref?!

The joys of Sunday football eh? Sounds erm...eventful! What was the red for?
Red was for offinabus after the award of a throw in to the other team. Shamefull really considering he was the team manager too!
The joys of Sunday football indeed!
It's why we love it! Well maybe not actually :)

Welcome to the site by the way, glad to have you here :D
sounds entertaining, why is it that managers at youth football tend to set the worst examples for the kids. as an u14s manager myself i told my players "look if the ref makes a decision its more than likely because that thing has happened. just get on with it, don't always shout for offsides, back chat etc. just keep going and you'll basically be playing with 12 men"
last few games i've heard the ref say things such as "defence, need you to shout when he's offside. can't make all the calls myself" and in a different game "well you didn't ask for an offside so i played on" :eek::rolleyes:
Led me to question why i bother sometimes to change the attitude of todays youth players.
on the other hand have had some refs at youth level who didn't need us to shout offside or not. just went in said to the kids "i'll make the calls not you, until you hear my whistle do not stop" which i thought was very professional
Biggest shame was with the allegation of racial abuse. I was right on top of the incident in which it is supposed to have happened so more disappointed that I didn't hear it if it did actually happen
Ahh well, all included in a report to the County FA and the fact that I didn't hear it (but doesn't mean it didn't happen).
Fair play to the offended player though, quite happy to accept that I hadn't heard anything hence couldn't take any action during the game.