What do you say to the captains?


What do you say to both captains before the game when you bring them in for the coin toss. Interested to see what others say.
A&H International
If adults. Something similar to:

Boys I will play advantage as much as I can. You know your players better than I do. Get to them before I do. I will work with you as much as I can. I can't avoid Red cards.

Away team you call in the air.
I go pretty much with what Dave says above - will always cover the 3 points below - but will also try to get a bit of a rapport going with the Captains if possible - about the weather, last night's MOTD, whatever ...
  • Talk about playing advantage
  • Ask them to help me manage players who are going down the wrong path during the game
  • To talk to me at any time during the game - butnot shouting at me from 50 yards though :)
Right lads, I, not stupid , your not stupid, we are here to play football, im not gonna tell you how to do your job so dont tell me how to do mine, you make sure you and your players stay out of my way and I will stay out of yours, good luck lads, away team call in the air, this is for ends
Hum... Am I the only one that gives the coin to the home team and get them to toss it whilst away team call.
Steve, I always ask them if they are happy to toss it and let them throw it. As I pass the coin to them I say to the away capt call it while its in the air. Similarly I ask them to pass it back to me when it goes on the ground. ;)
"My name is..., my assistants are ... and .... .

You help us, we will help you."

Thats it. The more you tell them, the more they have to attack you with!
"You're the home team, you're the away team. Away team, please choose heads or tails. Tails it is, which side would you like to attack in the first half? Alright, so you'll be kicking off, attacking that end. Thanks guys, and good luck."
Keep it as simple as possible. Dont give them too much information as generally by the time theyve left the centre circle theyve forgotten most of it.

Mine is:
"Help me, help you. Control your players, if you can't then i can, and will. Call it in the air please skip" pointing to the away captain

Job done!
I would have done the bulk of it to the team beforehand, so I just introduce myself again, and them top each other then, "Right Lads, further to my chat earlier, you know your players better than I do. If you feel someone is getting a bit tetchy, it wold be nice if you could have a word before I have to. That way we should all get on and enjoy ourselves. Now, I always invite the visitors to call, when it's in the air please, heads or tails?"
If adults. Something similar to:

Boys I will play advantage as much as I can. You know your players better than I do. Get to them before I do. I will work with you as much as I can. I can't avoid Red cards.

Away team you call in the air.

Pretty much exactly what that man said. Quick, easy yet effective!
Just something along the lines of 'hi guys i'm the ref, keep it fair and i'll be fair, i'll try to play advantage as much as I can so play to the whistle. Have a good game and good luck lads!'
Why do so many people insist on telling the players that you'll play advantage? The LOTG require you to play advantage so shouldn't that go without saying?
I have found that I generally say little more than "You know your players better than I. Speak to them before I have to. I know it's old school but remind them to play to the whistle, not to the flag.". It never ceases to amaze me how many players forget to play to the whistle.
Not a lot more than a hello, good afternoon then introduce my assistants, and move on to the coin toss.

Short, simple, no preconceptions.
Mine use to be the same as above, "Guys, you know your players than I do..." etc... but now I've scrapped that.

Using my experience of being promoted and officiating at supply league level, the captains know what they need to do, and all the pre-match instructions require is "Evening chaps (if there are neutral assistants introduce them). I'm refchard, you are? [Home team skipper name], heads or tails. Tails it is, which do you want to shoot. Stay as we are? Great, have a good game lads". All you need, nice and concise but not arrogant.