What do you wear.........

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RefChat Addict
to turn up to games in ?

Im talking the grass roots kids/Sunday league here.

I enjoy getting to ground early and using the facilities especially if a couple of other games on,, i know some just turn up all kitted up in their car.

Looking at getting some new gear.
A&H International
There's training tops and fleeces available via the various referee kit websites. They can be ordered with badges/decals
Very important
First rule of refereeing: Look The Part :cool:
Yes i agree, ive got a bit of OCD as well, my kit is NIKE, my boots and even sweat bands are NIKE so have to keep the NIKE theme.
First season I would just rock up in kit, now I do the same but add a nice FA jacket that has an FA Referee badge on it. Looks smart and professional
I, not suggesting id turn up in a suit for an U14s game but still think appearance important (to myself more than the teams as they probably dont even see you arrive)
to turn up to games in ?

Im talking the grass roots kids/Sunday league here.

I enjoy getting to ground early and using the facilities especially if a couple of other games on,, i know some just turn up all kitted up in their car.

Looking at getting some new gear.
Smart tracksuit for junior games, most Sunday League and County Sunday games
The posh togs is just window dressing, the players don't care once you blow the whistle......Its a refereeing appointment not a fashion parade!!

Players may not, but managers, coaches and secretaries do. When I was a RefsSec a lot of complaints about a referee's performance referred to how he was dressed on the pitch, not as the main complaint but as a further point about his professionalism to almost try and back up their main complaints.

As a referee you have a chance to make an impression before you even blow a whistle, and those you should be impressing are those that are marking you. Just as you wouldn't turn up to a job interview in jeans and a t-shirt, you shouldn't be setting foot on a football pitch as a referee in dirty / shabby / faded kit, untucked shirt, track suit, coat, woolly hat, etc. First impressions count and you can't erase them.

In terms of arriving at the ground all depends on the level and profile of the match, but for a junior level parks game I'd say a tracksuit looks the best.
First impressions may count to someone but if you stink as a referee you’ll get crucified more than if you had the latest attire fad....that won’t paper over the cracks!
First impressions may count to someone but if you stink as a referee you’ll get crucified more than if you had the latest attire fad....that won’t paper over the cracks!

Sorry, but having clean and well maintained kit isn't a "fad". I doubt many at grass roots, except other referees, would be able to tell whether a referee is wearing the newest kit or one from last season. But, they will be able to tell if you turn up with dirty boots, creased shirt that is two sizes to small and won't stay tucked in over your beer belly.

My wife plays football, and a few seasons ago they had an away game over near Greenwich (I think). The referee turned up in tatty tracksuit trousers, a tatty faded black referee association jumper, and an equally tatty and moth eaten woolly hat. It wasn't especially cold, I was running the line (as a CAR) in tracksuit trousers and a t-shirt.

First impressions were that he didn't look at all professional, and that he wasn't especially bothered about even looking like he was taking the game seriously. As it turns out he wasn't overly terrible, but that first impression still sticks with me 3 years later, and when anyone mentions him its the fact he looked like Worzel Gummage that springs to mind first.
I think visual impressions DO help a referee.

Plenty of black leisure/training wear around and really a new kit is only 2/3 match fees, so why not turn up looking smart?

Where 'smart dress' is required, not too much effort to wear a shirt, tie, jacket with clean shoes is it?
I have a nike tracksuit for most games but when doing higher level footie sometimes it is a suit sometimes shirt and tie sometimes in the summer for friendlies smart shorts and t-shirts. A lot of youth footie has no chjanging rooms so have your kit under your trackie. My kit is all nike apart from my Sondico boots which as a brand do 2 seasons with at least 2 games a week.
One arrives early, groomed and dressed professionally with correct kit and badge for type of Football being played.. regardless of the level or type of Football that one has either volunteered to step in and officiate or an actual apointed appointment.
'The referee was awful today, couldn't run a bath, but i'll tell you what, I liked his new Nike Tempos and jazzy whistle' :angel:
Certainly at grass roots, I Don't see many players or club officials making a first impression, why should the referee. I'm not saying you should turn out in scruffy dirty gear but it's not a fashion parade.........
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