Ladies What happened next?


Lighting the darkest hour
Staff member
Whites v Blues

Blue player tripped on half way. Ball rolls to a team mate who controls and looks up and sees 2 players on the overlap, and then takes another touch.

What happens next?

Serious point to this which I'll elaborate on later. Be as honest or as humorous as you want - just be plausibe. Sometimes truth can be stranger than fiction.
A&H International
She stops expecting the whistle, an opponent seizes the opportunity and disposes Her, the opponents break quickly up field and thanks to some lovely interplay have an open goal. Before they can shoot, however, a ufo comes down from the sky and "abducts" the lady on the ball. The ball rolls out for a goal kick.

Gotta be right?
She turns round and calls you a ****. Seeing truth in the remark, you let it slide ;)
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One of you is close. I'll leave it a while longer to see what else people come up with.
Not the UFO but you were closest. Let's run it through.
Whites v Blues

Blue player tripped on half way. Ball rolls to a team mate who controls and looks up and sees 2 players on the overlap, and then takes another touch. The touch is heavy enough to make it run away from her, but not strong enough to make either of the overlap. She then appeals for the free kick,but I say it's too late and she's duffed it up, and the whites go down and score a worldy.

The serious points:

1: For me, she's wasted the advantage by messing up the second touch, she's had time on the ball. Management and team mates disagreed naturally, but what do you consider to be advantage wasted?

2: a) 99 times out of a hundred this will not lead to a goal, but although I believe I'm right in law, in terms of the game I was stuffed (for that half anyway). Things like this can happen to all of us - it's how you react that is the measure of you. You could let it go to your head and you spend the rest of the game on the defensive - or you can decide to stamp on things straight away from there on an be on top of it all. Match control and feedback from the players on both sides much more positive in my case for doing just this. (I'll still get a 61 from the blue coach however but that's another story, something to do with a 1-0 defeat :oops:)

b) Sods law says had I blown straight away the overlap would have come off immediately and I'd have had an earful from the bench for that.

3: Don't play advantage on halfway or close to the dugouts!
To be honest I personally will rarely play advantage on the centre line. Its too far from goal for them to moan too much about having an advantage. And stops potential flash points.

Did she miscontrol because of her own ability or the speed of the ball? Of its the latter I'd be inclined to call it back for the original foul
It was her own touch. She'd taken the ball under control with no pressure on at all. The second touch was awful and caused the problems. Of course had she chased down that ball rather than appealing they might not have scored. I'd also taken into account the level these ladies are playing at and relative skill level (FA Women's Premier League) so they should have been no slouches. They're all attached to high level clubs. I know there's a disparity in funding but they should be better than that.

Just an easy target.
Hmm tricky, if she'd been the fouled player a heavy second touch can be excused as being off balance. Depending on how long th space of time was the heavy touch happened after the foul then I would have possibly blown for a freekick. But as has been mentioned on the centre circle I'm inclined not to play an advantage. Which normally works well as worst they can do is moan they'd have broken and knocked it about like Barcelona and scored. If it's nearer the goal can cause issues. Which takes me back to my first ever game. Ringing in my ears was the advice of at Sunday league level the true advantage is a freekick where by a team and chuck the ball into the box. Cue me bang on y whistle giving a rather awesome freekick 25 yards from goal just to the side. Obviously to my horror the player fouled managed to let fly with with an absolute belter of an effort just as I blew up which arrowhead into the top corner. Literally the only decent piece of skill all game.