What is happening here?

A&H International
I would say so as he has deliberately ran in front of keeper near ball to put him off save before his team mate heads home
Thanks for posting and discussing this :)

When I first saw it I thought goal - when the goal-scorer shoots the attacking player near the GK has got out of the way - what's the problem ... why is everyone (above) saying it is the right call !?!?

I then read LOTG ... it refers to when someone TOUCHES the ball (i.e. they don't need to be passing, shooting) ... the offence is committed when the goal-scorer controls and sets the ball with his chest / foot ... at this moment the attacker in front of the GK is interfering ... correct call

As above, looks to be weak refereeing - get them away from your AR! Can only think the AR was saying that he didn't need any help on the comms kit?

Correct call in the end.