What is the purpose of checking the names of the subs?


Active Member
What is the purpose of checking the names of the subs? i.e if a team is going to field an ineligible player, and then that player uses the name of a player which is actually registered nobody is going to know that has happened?
A&H International
It's to ensure they're named on the team-sheet. Players not named cannot play the game. This is part of your own duty, neglect it and you'll end up in trouble.

Ineligibility matters have nothing to do with you, the league and other officials will deal with that as and when they arise.
What is the purpose of checking the names of the subs? i.e if a team is going to field an ineligible player, and then that player uses the name of a player which is actually registered nobody is going to know that has happened?
Some competitions (cup games) may require a match report form with names of substitutes who participated in the game. This would render those players ineligible to play for another team in the same competition
Some competitions (cup games) may require a match report form with names of substitutes who participated in the game. This would render those players ineligible to play for another team in the same competition
Hi Big Cat. Yes, I understand that aspect. I was more asking about how would we as referees know if a team has played all or any of the 11 players on someone else's name. Clearly there is nothing we could do about that, but RobOda has put it nicely as he says :-

"Ineligibility matters have nothing to do with you, the league and other officials will deal with that as and when they arise."

We just follow whats on the team sheet. If Tom is on the team sheet and a player says he is Tom, when actually he is Harry, this is not our issue. The league officials will deal with this.
What is the purpose of checking the names of the subs? i.e if a team is going to field an ineligible player, and then that player uses the name of a player which is actually registered nobody is going to know that has happened?
It has existed in the laws of the game longer than grassroots football have given team sheets to the referee. We do it because the laws of the game say so, but in reality, they need updating.
There was an incident in a supply league game in my area earlier this season, where a sub came on, the AR didn't check properly and it turns out he wasn't on the team sheet, which only got discovered after he got cautioned...
Some league rules put some responsibility on the referee. In one of the leagues I referee in, if a team suspects a player or a sub is not who they say they are, they can ask the referee to check their ID. Then the referee must report whatever they find/think. But the referee can not stop the player from playing unless the player does not present a player ID.

There was an incident in a supply league game in my area earlier this season, where a sub came on, the AR didn't check properly and it turns out he wasn't on the team sheet, which only got discovered after he got cautioned...
That can happen with the starting 11 too. Do the referee's in your league check every starting 11 player names against the team sheet? We don't have to do this for subs or players. In fact we never check names. We only check jersey numbers. If a jersey number is not in the team sheet against a name, we report it and the club gets fined.