What to do different ?


RefChat Addict
Despite being in my 40s ive only been refereeing for about 18 months or so.

I normally do Junior football Under 13s upwards and have done 3/4 open age games.

Today im doing a friendly (hopefully) game but teams of a far better standard than anything ive previously done, usually this level would have assistants but today im on my own.

Usually for junior games its turn up 20 minutes before and off we go.

The question is what should i be looking to do differently today (il obviously be there about an hour before kick off)
A&H International
Good morning! First thing is get some coffee!

Here are three things to consider:
Offsides, use of force, “friendly”

Offsides: it’s tough with no ARs and good teams. You have only done a few games, presumably without ARs. Do what you normally do, just more! For set pieces consider taking up positions that help you see the offside line clearly. Before the game consider reminding the coaches/captains: you’ll try your best with offsides but play to the whistle, you can’t help them if they are standing about with their hands in the air.

Use of force: you might get harder fair challenges than you are used to, stronger sliders and aerial challenges may be different. Don’t forget to watch arms as well as feet. Watch the players not the ball in the air.

There is no such thing as a ”friendly”. Presume nothing. Expect the unexpected. You have your tools, use them. Tell the player ”carry on” after trifling contact, stop the game to warn a player after 2-3 niggly fouls, slow the game a set piece if necessary, use your cards as normal, use your cards.

Most of all, enjoy and good luck:)

Use your cards!
Cards in a friendly ;)

I done a Liverpool v Manchester "friendly" pre season, four yellows and a red later it wasn't so friendly.

I think what i learned that day was managers at that level anyway really do want to have their cake and eat it you have to treat "the friendly" as if its my world cup final.

Its like you cant send him off its only a friendly but il take that foul throw please ref.

Question pre match, do i need to get the match ball from the home side ?

Is 6-7 minutes before kick off about the right amount of time to get the players out the changing rooms ?
Yep get the match ball from them, make sure it’s ok.
6-7 minutes before and I tend to do kit check when I’ve got them lined up for respect handshake.
mostly enjoy it!
Had another referee turn up who had been double booked so he ran one line for me.

Really enjoyed it, you can have good banter with the players which i enjoy which i dont get at 13s and 14s level.

Quite an easy game on the whole.