Where to the 5 games go...?

Recently completed my course and have now completed the 5 games to qualify, I have them scanned and and saved as a document on my PC, but where do they get sent to? Is there an eMail or do you send it to your CFA?
A&H International
When I started 6 seasons ago - I had to do six games - then attend a workshop to discuss learning - I didn't need to send them to anyone (effectively I could have lied)

Has the process changed since ..?
when i started 11 years ago there wasn't 5 or 6 games ... was just sent into the big wide world ...
When I started 6 seasons ago - I had to do six games - then attend a workshop to discuss learning - I didn't need to send them to anyone (effectively I could have lied)

Has the process changed since ..?

Got told that we do the 5 games, then these get sent off to the FA, that's when we receive the FAMOA badge.

when i started 11 years ago there wasn't 5 or 6 games ... was just sent into the big wide world ...

How times change! Have to complete the course (In my CFA, 2 full days & 1 night), pass exam, attend safeguarding course, complete 5 games in 5 months then we are let out!
definitely @youwhatref?! ... I was a mere pup ... FAMOA badge?! my freebie from the FA was a grand total of ... nothing! even had to bring my own pen to the course ...
Got told that we do the 5 games, then these get sent off to the FA, that's when we receive the FAMOA badge.

Sent off by who to who though? Speaking as a recent RefsSec, and as one who regularly took new referees on, I've never been asked to send anything to the FA in terms of these referees.

I suspect it is the referee's responsibility to tell the CFA what games he has refereed so that they can move him forward to the next stage.