Which caution code? (Jewellery)

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Well if money is your motive for refereeing then i think we have found the crux of your concerns...
You know that's not what I said. And to try to argue that cautioning is for enjoyment is, frankly, offensive. Absolutely no need to get nasty like you did. You got your wish, I'm done with this thread. Not going to get dragged down any further. Disappointing you had to resort to cheap character assassination.
A&H International
If your enjoyment is causing a fuss over a belly button piercing then I hope it fulfils your every ambition.....
of course this isn't where the enjoyment comes from. None the less is it an essential factor to ensuring continued enjoyment for all participants because the enjoyment could be short lived should somebody come to harm because I neglected what is a basic law requirement.
If your enjoyment is causing a fuss over a belly button piercing then I hope it fulfils your every ambition.....

ENOUGH - a good thread on a good topic has started to get personal. Everybody behave or we will delete the thread.
Warning given as not the first time things have gotten personal
I apologise if offence was caused.
I however stand by my point that nobody will be impressed with your refereeing skills when you cant detect offside but you are able to detect then deal with a belly button piercing to the letter of the laws.
You can’t say you weren’t warned yet carried on. Thread closed
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