Whinge, complain, moan..


Thats all I had today -.-

Had a league cup game today, first half was a very good, unevenful game, with 3 goals being scored by the away team.

Second half, completely different kettle of fish!
I got 6 minutes into the second half, and noticed a player on the pitch that was a sub, of which I wasn't notified. So.. Play stopped and I cautioned both the sub that came on and the player that went off, in accordance of the LOTG!

Well.. que mayhem, I had the manager who wouldn't shut up, saying how bad I was, swearing etc, but I put a blank to it and carried on.

Needless to say, he really pushed it and I will be filing a misconduct report against himself in regards to it, along with the cautions.

According to him.. You don't caution people for it, however I kindly directed him to the LOAF and showed him caution offences C6 & C7 :)
A&H International
Good on you. It's correct with LOAF and there are no arguements to be had. They might not like it, but it's how it goes i'm afraid.

I had whinging galore today, had a player call me a "f***ing joke" after I gave a free-kick and from the free-kick the other team scored. So off he went, on the up side.. The showers were warm when I got in :D.
Nicely done on the 2 cautions, I know a lot of referees who'd have let it go. Absolutely correct in law, so give yourself a pat on the back!

To be honest though, id have not shown him it in the lotg though.
Each to their own, although I'd have loved to see his face after you dropped the bombshell :)
He carried on saying how we're not in the premiership etc, asking me not to submit them etc. Needless to say it will be in my Misconduct Report.
They may not be in the premiership but still have to adhere to the laws of the game.
Same here. Congrats on the cautions! I know plenty of refs would have bottled it!

I too would have offered him LOTG, not taken it out on him, but if your method worked :)
Nicely done on the 2 cautions, I know a lot of referees who'd have let it go. Absolutely correct in law, so give yourself a pat on the back!

To be honest though, id have not shown him it in the lotg though.

Haha! Was going to point this out - figure it would be more appropriate to show him the modern laws instead of the old ones!
You don't have to, but in that instance I could see it turning into a fight, so for the immediate safety of the players, I stopped play.