Windy call off


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
At what point should you consider calling off because of strong winds? In my 10 years of playing I never once had a wind call off but I wouldn’t want to start a game and it end up being farcical. Of course I can abandon but I’d rather be proactive about it.
A&H International
As long as it's not a safety issue I take the input of the two captains for starting the game. Have to be carefull they don't have alternate agenda. I'd make sure everyone knows it is my decision. Reassess as the game goes on if you kick off.
I once delayed during a game for face hurting hail, one team was fine, one team was clearly disadvantaged. Five minutes later sun was out, 4 seasons in one match! No dramas, everyone understanding! Don’t look for reasons to stop a game when something like a bit of wind adds to the fun!
I think if your stomachs sore, and Rennies dont help, then thats it

Aside from that, first is safety, second as above, you get a feel for what the teams are thinking and also, simple things, does the ball stay still?
A common thing where I am, is, get the gk, or watch the gk take some goal kicks, and get an idea about how farcical things might be from there
Place the ball on centre circle, if it becomes an empty crisp packet then you already have an issue
For me, if in my head i have the picture of a guy putting his fingers on the ball so a team mate can take a pen kick, then we have went too far
During open play if say the ball wont stay exactly still, I might just encourage the gk to kick regardless
And yee of course you always can start then abandon, although not sure its wise to wait till ht and one team is 3-0 up...you get a feel very early if its nonsense or not
Just to add to the above, I parked up once at an infamous windy stadium, opened car door and it near went flying off. Struggled to walk to changing rooms and soon as was clear I was there, both managers were politely making it clear the gales were an issue, dumped bag, boots on, out onto pitch and throwing ball in front of me, it whizzed back over my head, tried place ball on ground, it just rolled away, and gk kicking into wind cleared 18 only for it to fly back over his own bar.
This was say hour before ko by now, time to open gates, so no, pointless, dont even need a call to weather centre as this venue is known for being a gale on a good day, no game, see ya midweek.
If the ball won't stay still if you put it on the ground you are facing a losing battle, especially if the forecast is for winds to remain the same or get stronger. If it is the odd gust you might get away with it, but not if it is persistent.

There's also potential safety issues, are there any large trees close to the pitch, are local weather warnings in force, etc. I was once doing a pitch inspection when part of the stand roof blew off, decision made, move on.