Women's referee event at SGP


New Member
Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone was going to the womens referring event at Saint George's Park on Sunday the 3rd Feb?
A&H International
Hi Lucy

I am attending as a referees coach from Nottingham. We run a successful female programme in Notts, and have 7 of our referees attending all aged between 15 and 17. I know they are all looking forward to it.

SGP is a great place for inspiration. PM if it helps.

Hi Lucy

I am attending as a referees coach from Nottingham. We run a successful female programme in Notts, and have 7 of our referees attending all aged between 15 and 17. I know they are all looking forward to it.

SGP is a great place for inspiration. PM if it helps.

Ah cool, I'm a referee from Lincoln so not too far away. I was just wondering if you had been before as I have no idea what to expect😄
Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone was going to the womens referring event at Saint George's Park on Sunday the 3rd Feb?

I'll be there. We have a WhatsApp group with other female referees who attend our Cheshire FA women's development group meetings. Want me to add you into that.