Work in progress (Refereeing App)


Next Weeks Ref
Hi to all

I am in the process of developing a Referees companion app for Android.

Early days but got a good base app up and running. Got a few ideas but open to suggestions for features you would like to see.

Currently looking at an interactive laws book for mobile, a trivia section for revision and LOTG improvement, a match tracker, discipline tracker and performance and self analytics tool.

Any other suggestions welcome and I will upload the Beta on here for those with an Android phone to download and play with as it progresses if you would all be interested

Fire away with suggestions :)
A&H International
For your match tracker, might be nice to be able to put in upcoming appointments and have them tie into the calendar. If not tied in, at least have it notify you a certain time before the appointment (ie, 24hrs, 8hrs, whatever).

I'd be tempted to suggest leaving the trivia bit until later -- that's the part that you're going to have to be most careful on because of the odd little intricacies of quiz-question writing and such, and thus the bit that's likely going to cause you the most grief. :)
For your match tracker, might be nice to be able to put in upcoming appointments and have them tie into the calendar. If not tied in, at least have it notify you a certain time before the appointment (ie, 24hrs, 8hrs, whatever).

I'd be tempted to suggest leaving the trivia bit until later -- that's the part that you're going to have to be most careful on because of the odd little intricacies of quiz-question writing and such, and thus the bit that's likely going to cause you the most grief. :)

Alarm already set up! Great minds....
I dream of the day there is a "Last Minute referee" App.
Your match gets binned an hour before kick off. Get a new one in minutes!!!
It makes me sad when I see games not covered when I think "there's a ref somewhere without a match"
Could you do it for iOS as well?:)

Not familiar with the process for iOS or how easily I can copy bits of the coding

I will look into it if this one goes ok. Probably unlikely if it requires a brand new build but if I can fairly easily transfer bits accross then I will do my best. If anyone knows the answer to this feel free to let me know! :)
What would be great would be an "in-play" app. So, wearing your phone on the wrist instead of a second watch. Help to keep time, but also - and here's a big "if it can be done" - to tie in with full time and the whole game system. Once you've entered the match details (ahead of the game), it could download all the players names associated with the teams you are refereeing. Touch the yellow card button, select the team, and select the player - simple... Post-match you could then generate the returns automatically (for yellows). You could also tie it in to the GPS, so could track your match movements. Just a few things to add to your roadmap...!
Crikey! Not impossible (for a multinational company!) but probably beyond the realms of what I can do!

Certainly could add a match record feature although I would recommend using a phone to record details during a game!
I'd be very, VERY keen on this. I've been using the referee career website, but still dont find it fits all my needs.

I would be really keen to be able to set up a few template matches if possible. For instance I do lots of youth football and often find myself on a weekly basis checking the match length, or for cup games double checking the rules for how a match should be completed, ie length of extra time, penalties etc. IT would be great if I could set up say a template u14 match so when I select that it will show me match length etc, so I'm not always double checking. I do realise thats very specific for my needs though! I have been creating my own excel spreadsheet to try and replicate this, but keep putting off doing it!
What would be great would be an "in-play" app. So, wearing your phone on the wrist instead of a second watch. Help to keep time, but also - and here's a big "if it can be done" - to tie in with full time and the whole game system. Once you've entered the match details (ahead of the game), it could download all the players names associated with the teams you are refereeing. Touch the yellow card button, select the team, and select the player - simple... Post-match you could then generate the returns automatically (for yellows). You could also tie it in to the GPS, so could track your match movements. Just a few things to add to your roadmap...!
At the Gothenburg Cup 2 years ago, a handheld device (PDA?) was used by the referee to report goals, cautions and dismissals in real time. It was a cumbersome device and perhaps a smartphone would be better, but there's always the risk of incorrect data being uploaded or reported, especially in the heat of the moment.
I think that was the Spintso PDA.

I saw a guy with one last year here and found it to be the most clunky and cumbersome thing to use. I couldn't imagine using one myself, but... you never know.