World Cup - Spray


Assistant World Cup Sweepstake Organiser
Level 7 Referee
Blatter has today confirmed that the invisible spray thingy will be used in the 2014 World Cup, used to mark where free kicks to be taken from, wall etc. Thoughts?
A&H International
I quite like it, it makes it much clearer, the wall moves past the line then cards come out, the ball is placed on a different sport to where it should be, cards come out.

One thing though, it's expensive to say that one can may only last about 2/3 matches at the most I would say.
I just think its a bit time consuming. And I think it makes it easy to criticise a referee, if for example the wall does move a step forward, he misses it and it is clear because the line is there.
To be honest I think, it should have a trial at grassroots and academy level, I think it would be more use than at pro, especially when you only have club assistants.....
But then who pays for it? Does a referee choose to buy a can of this stuff? I think it would create confusion.
So maybe it shouldn't be introduced at all at grassroots?
You either introduce it and make it compulsory or don't introduce it at all, that's my opinion anyway, but i'd be fully up for it!!
To be honest it's all a bit of a faff! Don't really see the point of it
To be honest I think, it should have a trial at grassroots and academy level, I think it would be more use than at pro, especially when you only have club assistants.....

It's been trialled at the Under 17's World Cup and also featured in the South American equivalent of the Champions League.

The product has had FIFA approval for about 12 months now.