Would you cry off a morning match cause you've got a "big one" in the afternoon


RefChat Addict
Pretty sure I know what the answer is gonna be, but thought I'd put it out there.
I've rather unexpectedly been given probably the biggest middle of my refereeing career in 8 days.
Problem is, I have a potentially very tasty Saturday morning match on the same day.
My thinking is that I could potentially finish this match mentally and physically exausted at 12:00 and then have one hour to get home, showered, suited and booted and to this other match.
Physically doable, but I'll arrive in a right state for a massive match I'll prob be assessed (5-4) on.
I got the morning appointment ages ago so would be taking the proverbial a little.
Is this just the chance you take if you do Sat morning football?
A&H International
Personally, and given you're facing an assessment, I'd be ringing the appointments secretary of the morning game and asking to be relieved. Be fresh and ready for what sounds like a more important fixture on a personal and career basis.
I understand that there're a lot of cancelled games up there, so I think that they'll find easily another ref who would be very happy to ref Sunday morning
Big game + assessment calls for a great concentration and physical condition, I wouldn't see myself ref a game the morning, than run in my car, have only one hour to be ready and jump in my car again
If you want to referee supply league football you can't do 2 games on a Saturday.

You already know the answer. You need to come of the league you do on a Saturday morning and focus on getting your promotion. Also, IMO, even your running the line at supply level it isn't entirely fair on the referee or the two teams if you've already done a game in the morning.
Having accepted the appointment for the morning game, why didn't you close the date with all other competitions?

You can't have your cake and eat it!
I often do 2 matches on a Saturday Brian. I wait for the Sat afternoon fixtures to come out then close any Saturday mornings if I'm doing a match I may be assessed on (ie. top 3 divisions). It's normally not a problem as I can just whack my tracksuit on and go to the other game. (Although maybe I'm doing the afternoon teams a diservice doing 2 OA games a day)
I think, as advised, I'm pushing it refereeing on a Saturday morning league whilst going for L4.
Think I'll have to pack it in.
I had 2 90 minute games last sunday, its difficult but doable. Considering its an assessment you'll want to save all your efforts for that
I often do 2 matches on a Saturday Brian. I wait for the Sat afternoon fixtures to come out then close any Saturday mornings if I'm doing a match I may be assessed on (ie. top 3 divisions). It's normally not a problem as I can just whack my tracksuit on and go to the other game. (Although maybe I'm doing the afternoon teams a diservice doing 2 OA games a day)
I think, as advised, I'm pushing it refereeing on a Saturday morning league whilst going for L4.
Think I'll have to pack it in.
I'd agree @deusex devote yourself to the ambition you really want to achieve. After all when you get L4 there will be plenty of other big games.
I am sure that most referees are physically fit enough to do two games in one day, but would your mental approach be correct? One game a day is plenty.
if you have two tough games where you need to physically exert yourself, your second game will suffer. You may still have a decent game, but you will not be at your best either physically or mentally.

And after 2 tough games you will likely be suffering some serious DOMS the next day!

As Frank said, 1 game per day is plenty.
Agree with @Frank ...

I did 4 this weekend (1 line, 3 middle) - touch wood I am physically fit to do this - but - mentally - I find my approach to players, especially how I talk to them, can get a bit loose come the 4th game
The difficulty may not be in keeping up with play when doing multiple games, its the response time you have to incidents - the brain slows down more than the rest of the body. I've done three on a Sunday before - two youth followed by a vets game, and by the third game foul recognition was harder, positioning was influenced by minimising effort, and overall not the level I was happy with. You then suffer when you get home as well, in my case head office complaining when I nodded off on the sofa shortly after getting home!
I must say it has concerned me for some time the amount of games some referees try to cram into a weekend. I do know of one referee in my county that openly admits he only does it for the money. He was, is and always will be a level 7 referee. He has no interest in promotion, but is available to officiate nearly all the time.

I firmly believe that officiating on more than one game a day can only have a detrimental effect on a referees performance, particularly in the second game, unless of course a referee holds back a bit in the first game knowing he has another game in a couple of hours. We owe it to ourselves and the players to be as fresh as possible both mentally and physically, and I do not think we can do that by officiating twice on the same day.
Most associations have a list of priorities for their appointments. Use that as your rubric.
I must say it has concerned me for some time the amount of games some referees try to cram into a weekend. I do know of one referee in my county that openly admits he only does it for the money. He was, is and always will be a level 7 referee. He has no interest in promotion, but is available to officiate nearly all the time.

I firmly believe that officiating on more than one game a day can only have a detrimental effect on a referees performance, particularly in the second game, unless of course a referee holds back a bit in the first game knowing he has another game in a couple of hours. We owe it to ourselves and the players to be as fresh as possible both mentally and physically, and I do not think we can do that by officiating twice on the same day.
I'm sure that you're right that more than one game in a day runs the serious risk of having a detrimental effect on performance, especially mentally. Though perhaps less so if doing multiple youth games of shorter duration and intensity.

However, given that many games still go ahead without a qualified official, which is better, a mentally tired official or an unqualified official .......? :)