Write-On Cards

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A&H International
They're for referees who don't follow caution/dismissal protocol properly... 🙄😁
Yawn. Still waiting for you to actually explain, how or why that is the case, using said protocol to explain your workings out ;)
I used them when I was at senior levels, whether contrib or WSL games, as I could trust the team sheets. Wouldn't use them now though since flashing cards at those levels has been banned, not sure of the benefit of them when you have to write the name so I'd have gone back to a notebook.

Certainly wouldn't use them at grass roots level as, even if you get team sheets, the chances of them being accurate and shirt numbers matching players is far from 100%.
I used them when I was at senior levels, whether contrib or WSL games, as I could trust the team sheets. Wouldn't use them now though since flashing cards at those levels has been banned, not sure of the benefit of them when you have to write the name so I'd have gone back to a notebook.

Certainly wouldn't use them at grass roots level as, even if you get team sheets, the chances of them being accurate and shirt numbers matching players is far from 100%.
I write name number and offence on the card so there is no card flashing going on.
I write name number and offence on the card so there is no card flashing going on.

Wasn't suggesting you were, rather I think I would just find it easier writing in a notebook. All I used to write on the card was the player's number, and obviously you can't really do that any more.
Except of course for when everybody sees you pull it from your pocket and it's in your hand ... 🤔
Where does it say, or where is it mentioned that the card must remain hidden until name number are obtained?
We all know a flash card means actually administering the showing of the card ie as per law:
Having it in my hand is not showing the card as per law.
Name, number, offence, show card as specified in laws of the game.
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