The Ref Stop

writing subs names etc


Level 7 Referee
Today i refereed a vets game. There was no team sheets before hand or anything like that and as it was a vets game it was roll on roll off subs. Can anyone give me tips to write down subs names quicker? I felt that every time a sub was made (and there was 8 in total) I was taking forever to write the players name down... and tombe honest i can hardly understand my own righting in the little notebook!

In terms of the notebook it worries me that should an incident happen where i card someone and then can't read my own writing i'll be up the creek....

Any tips?

In addition... again I may sound thick here... but why do I need to write the subs names down if theres no team sheets anyway? if they play ringers thats the county FA's problem not mine.
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The Ref Stop
My advice write them all down before a game and give them all a number (number off there shirt). Then when they sub just write the time and the number then you can refer back to it later.
If it's repeat subs then I don't bother with names, it just takes too long and is unnecessary IMO but I don't know what your league/county require you to do.
Personally I wouldn't referee on a league that doesn't have team sheets. Too many issues, one of which you have already encountered. You're right about ringers though, not your problem.
I am with this.
I can see no excuse for a team not having team-sheets.
The only time I do leagues without team sheets is if I am desperate.
Personally, I think Surrey CFA should insist that all leagues under their jurisdiction, otherwise what's the point of player registration.
Personally I wouldn't referee on a league that doesn't have team sheets. Too many issues, one of which you have already encountered. You're right about ringers though, not your problem.

Totally agree. Team sheets offer you a degree of protection by indentifying (theroretically) the perpetrators of any unacceptable behaviour. A properly affiliated and organised league will require team sheets. If there are no team sheets I would seriously question their disciplinary procedures. Be aware!
You're only required to record the names of the subs at the start of the match. there is absolutely no point in recording the details at each substitution when there are roll-on, roll-off subs. Don't bother doing that.
Paul ....if you have a note of the starting 11 and the subs when they roll on and off its irrelevant ,you have the whole squads names so don't worry too much about noting every sub made its a pointless exercise
I am lucky that in the Lancashire League we have team sheets, and i always say to the managers that the players numbers must match names including subs. In the event of not having team sheets i would not even record constant roll on/off subs but i would make sure i got the names and numbers right in any YC/RC's.
roll on roll off subs are nothing short of a pain, should be stuck back in the fifa bin of stupid ideas along with silver/golden goals and telling any competent referee they need a can of shaving foam to control a free kick
roll on roll off subs are nothing short of a pain, should be stuck back in the fifa bin of stupid ideas along with silver/golden goals and telling any competent referee they need a can of shaving foam to control a free kick
Totally agree, they'll be issuing laser measures soon to make sure we get the distance right.......
roll on roll off subs are nothing short of a pain, should be stuck back in the fifa bin of stupid ideas along with silver/golden goals and telling any competent referee they need a can of shaving foam to control a free kick
Much as they are a pain in the arse for us referees, they are a good idea at junior football level. They give players more opportunity to participate.
I think at grassroots level they are a great idea. kids dont turn up on a sunday pay subs and then never get a game and fellas out the pub can have a breather when last nights kebab is about to make a reappearance!
roll on roll off subs are nothing short of a pain, should be stuck back in the fifa bin of stupid ideas along with silver/golden goals and telling any competent referee they need a can of shaving foam to control a free kick

What's wrong with them? The game is for the players after all.