Wrong Colour


Level 4 Referee
Had a challenging game Saturday and I think ive made a boo boo. Second half, a shout for handball I can see clearly, although arm is high it hits his chest and down to his knee and off he goes to score. Cue the shouts from the sidelines. A sub then shouts " that's terrible, that's a ****ing joke" as im on my way over to calm the technical area, Here goes Mind freeze, I show him the red card for s6.
For the remaining minutes of the game and most of the weekend im thinking ive over reacted and was only a yellow at worst. Whats the best course of action now? speak to my rdo/ discipline??
A&H International
The procedure for this where I'm at in Wales is:

Submit it as a sending off as normal. - Do not feel tempted to not submit the report, you must send it in.

If you think it is harsh/wrong, then write a plain paper report linked to the sending off explaining why you think you've made an error and send that in to the person who handles discipline and make sure they're aware that your report is for that specific offence. They will then deal either agree with you and deal with it or uphold your original decision.

I suspect it will similar in England/Scotland, but others on this forum will have to confirm. :)
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The only person who know the correct context is you and the correct decision is based on that. Call your RDO or a senior experienced referee from your organisation and ask for advice and the process to follow.
Personally, I’d just submit it and leave it. Alright, you may think it’s harsh now but if he never gets his ban, he’ll think he’s beaten you/The FA. At least he’ll know not to talk to a referee like that again ...
Reported to CFA, Spoke to RDO, can understand why it was given and if appealed thinks it will be difficult to overturn. For me a massiv learning curve, normally a yellow or a stern word, genuinely no idea what came over me at the time
We've all been there, mate. For different reasons. The fact that you're criticising your own performance is a good trait. I agree with the comments above, but don't beat yourself up too much. You can't change the past. Just do what others have suggested and move forward, buddy.
Reported to CFA, Spoke to RDO, can understand why it was given and if appealed thinks it will be difficult to overturn. For me a massiv learning curve, normally a yellow or a stern word, genuinely no idea what came over me at the time

Sure that will be very reassuring for the player as he misses his next 2 games.....
Thanks Mr perfect, never made a mistake have you? People come on here for advice, usually new refs and most of the time get shot down by a select few who sit on the moral high ground. Yes I messed up and I doubt it wont be my last error but im on here to learn like most others.
Yes I messed up and I doubt it wont be my last error but im on here to learn like most others.

Indeed, as @BCMilan says we've all been there. Don't dwell on the error, you've taken stock, identified the problem, tried to rectify it and you now have experience on that and will know what to do next time.

Best of luck with the rest of the season. :)
You can’t stop an FA payday! Shame there isn’t a reset button but what’s done is done. Chin up, move on!
I would have carded that little **** and sent him packing, wrote my game report and hopefully moved on. This is the stuff that gets me boiling and the NUMBER 1 reason why the world loses referees. I do not tolerate any sort of referee abuse and if anyone told me that, it would be a straight red. I think we live in a society where this type of behavior is accepted and supposed to be tolerated, which is not what I am about. If this behavior continues, it will only get worse and start to happen on the 10U level sooner rather than later. I sent a parent off a couple weeks back for dissent and swearing. Waited for the ball to go out, blew my whistle, walked over there and informed this parent they have one minute to leave the field of their team will forget the game. I don't even call the coaches over unless the person gets agro. After my small calm speech to him, I simply turned around and jogged back over where the ball went out of bounds. After about 45 seconds I informed him very loudly that we are all waiting for you. But alas I live on a small rock in the middle of the Pacific and I definitely a loose cannon with a few screws loose upstairs, Aloha
Thanks Mr perfect, never made a mistake have you? People come on here for advice, usually new refs and most of the time get shot down by a select few who sit on the moral high ground. Yes I messed up and I doubt it wont be my last error but im on here to learn like most others.
Hey don't pick on me :). There are also a large number of members here who don't run salt into the wound, give support and decent advice. There are always positives :)
Hey don't pick on me :). There are also a large number of members here who don't run salt into the wound, give support and decent advice. There are always positives :)
No I appreciate feedback, I will even accept positive criticism that I can learn and develop from, but theres 2 or 3 jumped up people who just think the best course of action is belittle inexperienced referees that genuinely seek help and guidance.
I had the same on sunday yes there are loads of do gooders who do no wrong on here mr perfects like me we messed up and st least we are trying to put it right thank you to all the good refs on here who try to HELP us and not shoot us down
Thanks Mr perfect, never made a mistake have you? People come on here for advice, usually new refs and most of the time get shot down by a select few who sit on the moral high ground. Yes I messed up and I doubt it wont be my last error but im on here to learn like most others.
No I appreciate feedback, I will even accept positive criticism that I can learn and develop from, but theres 2 or 3 jumped up people who just think the best course of action is belittle inexperienced referees that genuinely seek help and guidance.
Padfoot gets off on that. You'll learn to ignore or block him.
Nobody else has said anything that could possibly constitute belittling....

Personally I would have said that while harsh, a red can still be justified here - I wouldn't recommend requesting the red be overturned unless you know it's completely, utterly, with no argument or doubt, wrong.

Now it's happened, see if you can work out why you gave the wrong decision. Did you respond emotionally? Were you already starting to lose your cool?

Also, you said you were dwelling on it - dwelling on your mistakes during the game will hurt you. You'll lose focus and the game will snowball. And I promise, you'll make far worse decisions than this :)

Working out how to move on from the mistakes is a challenge. I learned to , like Happy Gilmore, go to my happy place. A few moments of envisioning myself somewhere calm or in a good headspace (eg the emotional space of getting pumped and ready to go out to a party or something). Take yourself there for a few moments, you might be able to let go of the mistakes.

You'll also need to work out how to not dwell on incidents. Reflect upon them, think about what you could have done, even ask for help, but more on. Don't let yourself ruminate over an event - whether it's a mistake, a frustrating player, a bit of abuse, whatever. Otherwise it eats at you and you ruin your weekend. As I'm sure you've found out :)
Its not just this post that others belittle people. I understand people have heaps of experience but some people on the forum speak down to others and expect everyone to have the same knowledge. I have learnt so much from this forum but there are a few who enjoy looking like Bertie Big Dick and Im sure there are people who will not post again because of it.
Had a challenging game Saturday and I think ive made a boo boo. Second half, a shout for handball I can see clearly, although arm is high it hits his chest and down to his knee and off he goes to score. Cue the shouts from the sidelines. A sub then shouts " that's terrible, that's a ****ing joke" as im on my way over to calm the technical area, Here goes Mind freeze, I show him the red card for s6.
For the remaining minutes of the game and most of the weekend im thinking ive over reacted and was only a yellow at worst. Whats the best course of action now? speak to my rdo/ discipline??
Minimum caution, but if he's shouting it at me from the sideline then I'd have shown him the carte rouge too. Nothing you can do about it post-match, so don't lose sleep about it (apart from not sending it in, but then you'll get in trouble!). They can't claim wrongful dismissal for OFFINABUS anyway.