You can get it after the match

When do you receive your match fee?

  • Always before match

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Always after match

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • At half time

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sometimes before and sometimes after

    Votes: 13 52.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Was speaking to a friend who had a pretty tough u14 fixture (there has been history between the teams which ended in multiple sending offs and mass confrontations). Before the match he was doing the admin stuff - team lines and match fee - when the yellow manager said to him that he'd give it after the match after he had evaluated his performance. Needless to say my friend told him in no uncertain terms that if he refused to pay up front then there would be no game.

Anyone else experienced this? Also, Do you think it's worth him mentioning to his league, as it could put undue pressure on the ref who maybe agrees to accept the fee after the match to make decisions for that team if they might think that they won't get their fee?
A&H International
I would defo mention it to the league. I always try and get the match fee before so I can make a swift exit. Evaluate his performance....what has that got to do with anything? I think your mate was quite right to demand it upfront or refuse to referee.
Depends what the competition rules say.

If they say you will be paid after the match you have no right to insist on being paid before it.
Very few competitions have it in there rules that you must not be paid till after the game at least up here in Scotland anyway. Most say 'The Referee can demand payment upfront for services or the game will not commence'. Iv never actually heard of a coach refuse to pay when asked at KO tho. Strange one
Before a game. I learnt the hard way in an OA game. Sent a player off for the home side. They got smashed. It was a player manager. Ended up waiting outside the changing room for him for 40 minutes while I could just hear them bad mouthing me. Great fun.
Don't think I've ever received a match fee before the game. Only once did I not get it at all. Quick report into the league, they paid me and claimed it back from the club
A little trick is if you are worried about getting the money, tell them you've got another game straight after and need to leave really quickly!
Local league rules say directly before or after the match whilst the referee is in his changing room.

If you are being messed about at the end over the fee, as Ross sort of said, I would just leave and report it to the league. Would also mean a fine for the home team. Not sure if that is how it happens with other leagues.
What Padfoot said. Even if offered before a game I would often tell a team they could pay me afterwards - less chance of it being nicked from my bag
I'm with Brian on this one - I often ask managers to pay me after the game, less chance of it disappearing from my bag during the game. I've only ever had a team refuse to pay once, got a cheque through from the league not long after.

Perhaps a quick message to the league in this case; the manager could do with being reminded that the match fee isn't dependent on how he thinks the referee has performed.
The rule in the leagues I am involved with is after the game within 15 minutes of the game ending, seems to work okay.
After the game in the leagues I ref in too although sometimes they pay upfront. I don't mind. Only never got paid once and yes, as others said, reported it to league and few days later had a cheque from them. Heard the club got in big trouble for it too.