Junior/Youth "You can't referee by a rule book, you have to take it in context."


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
So stripes v reds under 18. 3-2. Dull game. Two soft penalties I gave. But best was from the stripes players I sent off in the 30th minute. At the end he and a couple of players approached me to discuss his red and in fairness to them they didn't ever over step the mark. But I was told the following by them.
"You can't referee by a rule book, you have to take it in context of the game."
"You have to speak to the players before the game and tell them what you will show a red card for."
"Refereeing at this level is too inconsistent to give a red for that."
"I've never heard a player get sent off for that before."
"I didn't know you could be sent off for that."

So all in all pretty annoyed and the manager said they'll appeal it. The player was about 40 yards from the CAR who just given offside and shouted "You f****** cheat. Stop f****** cheating. Stop f****** cheating." Sooooo good luck appealing that. Obviously I was also told I ruined the game. Yawn!
A&H International
Its alright mate - I was told today that someone calling you a cheat wasn't a sending off! You learn something new every day :p
He claimed as he was saying it aggressively or at the assistant it shouldn't matter. Nah mate just loud enough for half of Essex to hear!
I also red carded a player for screaming at CAR 'you f******** cheat' towards the end of last season.
Players reaction was 'You are sending me off for that' and his team mate informed me that I could only show him a yellow card for that and that I could only show a red card if he punched someone in the face or something like that.
any player using the word cheat should see a nice red card referees can and do make mistakes but we never cheat

Here here!

As 'C' words go, Cheat is for me far worse than the other 4 lettered one, instant reds for both mind!

"He's cheating us out of this lads" or "Can you cheat for both sides" are just as unacceptable when bandied about, not AT us perhaps, but certainly in our earshot or our benefit, I have never, in 33 years, not punished this.
I may have posted this before if I have I apologise (getting forgetful in my old age).

89th minute of assessment game get called "A fu*****g cheating", good bye go and have a shower. The assessor after the match asked me to explain and when I did was told that he was surprised to see a red for that at such a late stage in the game!! My reply was 1st minute 91st minute he is walking for that Mr Assessor, with all due respect. I wonder to this day what he would have said if I didn't send him off considering he was stood about 5 yards from the player at the time.
Absurd comments in the OP! They'll try anything, won't they? It worries me that they may genuinely believe that nonsense!

Reminds me of one game I had. AR had an offside decision, player from the penalty spot screams at him 'you f****** cheating c***!!!' I gave the red card (naturally), so his teammate crowd around (naturally)....'Ref, ref! He didn't call him a f****** cheating c***, he called him a f****** cheeky c***!!!'
'........so, you're agreeing that he swore at my AR then?'
I had to laugh, because I would have sent him off for that comment anyway!!!

I may have posted this before if I have I apologise (getting forgetful in my old age).

89th minute of assessment game get called "A fu*****g cheating", good bye go and have a shower. The assessor after the match asked me to explain and when I did was told that he was surprised to see a red for that at such a late stage in the game!! My reply was 1st minute 91st minute he is walking for that Mr Assessor, with all due respect. I wonder to this day what he would have said if I didn't send him off considering he was stood about 5 yards from the player at the time.

Yet another assessor who does the game a grave disservice every time he picks up a clipboard :( What a stupid thing to say.
@CapnBloodbeard one of the other excuses he gave was "I didnt say it aggressively, directly at the lineo." Yup because shouting at someone half the pitch distance away is fine. I think the most concerning thing was all the excuses from all of them seemed genuine. You know when someone is trying to have you on, and they all seemed to completely believe the excuses! Madness.