You don't have to know the score to know who's losing.....


Done open age match yesterday, fourth placed red team(only lost one match so far) playing sixth placed black team(lost one match also) very competitive match end to end football very enjoyable to referee. Within the next 15 minutes the black tean take a 2-0 lead. Cue the red team arguing amongst themselves,manager shouting from the line and of course it's my fault. Decisions not going their way etc.(2 YC cards hence for their troubles.
One minute for the final whistle black's winning 3-1 and the red's arguing and shouting at each other.
Seconds from the whistle a black team forward get's tackled(fairly) goes down like he's been hit by a bus. Cue shouting from manager and trainer " Not giving it then? Terrible decision ! Wish i was an assessor !"
Player that got tackled, realising i wasn't giving a free kick jumps up and trots off for his gold medal.
Blows the whistle for full time, hand shakes all round but still manager whinging and moaning at his players.
Manager comes over for the obligatory handshake and i tells him i will be reporting his outbursts... if he was angry before that he's even more so now..... should have seen the look on his face....
A&H International
Did you attempt to proactively manage the manager prior to just telling him at the end of the game that he would be reported?
What are you reporting him for?

The assessor comment was a bit silly and I would definitely make it clear it wasn't appreciated, but I'm not sure it's worth a report??
I think if you sleep on it you will realise your being over sensitive and its not really worth reporting.

Just a come back to put him in his place would of done. To be an assessor you need to know how to referee you stick to your job and I will stick to mine.

He obviously thought you did well to come and shake your hand. It was just frustration by the sound of it.
He was throwing remarks at me every time a decision went against his team i did on one occasion asked him to stop the comments but he continued.. it was frustration he knew his team wasn't going to score with minutes left, took it out on me so the assessor comment just amused me i was happy with my performance ......
If you were happy with your performance I'd let it go, keep it in the memory bank and remind him/yourself next time around.

I had a similar event a few weeks ago where a new team who've been hammered 6-0 plus every week, and sure enough were 5-0 down, the whole team and manager were giving me snidey remarks last 20 minutes.

Dished out 4 cautions for dissent and spoke to the manager. After game manager made it clear he wasn't my biggest fan, although not in a derogatory way. There was nothing to report but I kept it in the memory bank.

Today's first game was with this same team as the away team, and before the game the manager couldn't wait to tell me on 3 separate occasions he'd told his lads to keep their mouths shut. I reminded him he needed to too as well and he promised it wouldn't be an issue. It wasn't.

Him and his team were all as good as their word (and of course they lost 7-1).

Would I have had the same outcome from a rather weak report? No.
Would I have made myself look a little silly by submitting a weak report? Yes.

Use it to your advantage in the long run, and be even further on top of your game next time.
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If you haven't stopped the match and sent him from the VOTFOP I don't think you can justify a report.
I judge a manager the same I would a player. If he says something I would caution a player for he gets a warning. If he commits OFFINABUS or another "warnable" offence away he goes
I see nothing worth more than a stern word from in the OP I'm afraid