You know you're a referee when....


RefChat Addict
You know you're a referee when you see this Tweet....

@BPAFCOfficial: Well the sides are out and ready, Jon Stewart wins the kick-off in his first toss as skipper!, and Avenue get us underway

.....and get frustrated that you know that in fact means he lost the toss!
A&H International

How many times do you do the toss, look at the winning captain and they stare back at you blankly, with 'what now' written all over their faces.

If there's the slightest pause the winning captain usually pipes up 'we'll have kick'.

No mate, you won, so you'll choose ends.

Even that seems to take on life or death type consequences. Or the home captain takes FOREVER to choose.

Surely you must have thought about which way you'd prefer to shoot first given chance. No? Just me then.
Heads it is so which way do you want to go?

Turns to keeper ineveitably and asks which he wants. Whilst waiting - I turn to losing captain " always confuses me that one, you'd think you toss for the Kick Off. But you lost and somehow win, ah well"

Winner pipes up decision....... go on

I think it sort of both serves as a reminder to them that this is what the toss is for, and also breaks the ice a bit - gauge a reaction from them.
In the last u13s match I did, looked at the toss "winning" captain and said which end do you want, he must have thought he got choice of end or kick off as he turned to ask his team mates, the look of disappointment on his face when I had to explain again that winning the toss give you choice of end, not kick off! :)

Lost count of the amount of players I have come across of all ages that simply fail to grasp the concept that they have to stand inside their own half and the ball must go forward into the opposition's half at kick off! :confused:
I'm old time and think that the winning of the toss should have some advantage to the team winning it. So we should have it as kick off or ends. Don't forget that the winning of a toss at the end of a stalemate used to decide the winner, before penalties of course.