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This season is a bit odd for me. Its the first time since I first started that ive not into a season looking for promotion to the next step. It would be quite easy to put my feet up and just coast through the season. However I made a point of saying to myself, colleague and The FA that this wasn't going to be the case, and that I still wanted to count. So inspired by this excellent post by Tris on setting goals. Here are my very simple goals for the season Easy one and one that can be measured - Referee a County Cup Final. Ive not had one since my first year as a Level 4 (Re)Establish myself back in the County as Referee. My last few years have seen me officiate outside of my Parent County due to my supply league. As a result...
All the way through your career as Referee, people will tell you to get your admin right. Let me give you a great example as to why this. So last night I was due to be on a supply league line. I had accepted the game original. However due to a work commitment that would have made it tight for making the game, i emailed the appointment's officer on Friday coming of the game. I recived a response saying no problem. I also emailed the club informing them. Last night at 9PM i got a missed call alert on my mobile. Signal around my home being awful. It was a missed call from the match referee from 7.15 asking me where I was. He was clearly out for the 2nd half at this stage but I called him back and left a voice mail on his phone...
Having spent last Friday and Saturday at Alton Towers, 8 hours walking around on Friday and 7 on Saturday, I turned out early on Sunday to help set up a Basic Course for New Referees. I was providing admin support rather than tutoring which felt a little strange. I still chipped in occasionally and the day went well with a very responsive group. That's more than I can say for many of my colleagues who frequent the Discussion Board of the Referee's Association. Recently there has been an outbreak of disrespect with some posts stepping way over the mark of decency and unlikely to present a good impression of refereeing to any first time visitors. So I'm avoiding the Board and leaving the posters to fight it out among themselves...
The last card stats: Portugal also leads the second yellow card competition. Players in Portugese Liga ZON Sagres also got the most yellow and straight red cards on average per match. (NB: I’m working on a visualisation of the totals, but that takes some time because I’ve to work. Hope to get it on the blog before the end of the week.) A short explanation for the the infographic below. It shows the countries where most second yellow cards are given based on data from Worldfootball.net and Futebol365.pt. How darker the tint, the more reds due to second yellow are handed out. Portugal scores 0,233333 in the stats, which means that after approximately (1/0.233333=) 4 matches a red card is given due to a second yellow. Number 2: Greece...
Saturday night watching Match of the Day. I sent a simple tweet during the Liverpool vs. Sunderland highlights. All it said was "Correct decision for Richardson yellow". Little did I know it would be retweeted by @jacquioatley. The rest of the night was then spent along with @slimref explaining the following incident and why it was only a yellow card. szólj hozzá: Liverpool v Sunderland, Pen Disclaimer The following explanation is based on the guidelines we are given. Its an interpretation and an explanation of the thought process that the Referee has to go through. Its not Phil Dowds or the FA explanation. The below are taken from the Interpretation of the Laws of the Game from Fifa.Com Referees should consider the...
“They often asked me after the game what I thought of the arbitration, but I never said anything negative to them and definitely not that they may have caused loss or win of a match.” Says François Eelen, who was referee assessor in Belgian top leagues until last week, in an interview with Nieuwsblad. He regrets the way he was set aside just two days before the start of the competition started. “There has always been a misguided desire to keep 22 players on the pitch and, as a result, difficult players often get away with too much and then believe they can repeat their actions without sanction.” says Graham Poll in his weekly referees review on Daily Mail. He admits he used to do it with some ‘irksome’ players too. “Coaches must learn...
Exactly 39 years ago, the first yellow cards were handed out in the Dutch national league. Seven were booked at the start of the 1972/1973 season, but media still struggle to figure out who got the card first. Youngest Fifa referee at that moment, 31-year-old Jan Keizer from Volendam, announced one day before the tournament in De Telegraaf that ‘referees will hand out yellow cards much faster than they did before when referees just gave warnings’. They had to be more strict on ‘laying down an opponent’ and ‘not taking enough distance when you’re in the wall’. Keizer was happy with the new measures. “They are fantastic, because they’re of importance for the real football lovers.” The Dutch talented referee stressed that referee’s...
Players in Portugese Primera División get the most straight red cards per match in Europese national leagues. Each five matches in 2010/2011 season Portoguse referees showed (on average( one straight red card. Belgium, Spain, Romania and The Netherlands complete the top five of countries with hard players. Or are the referees just mild in countries like Norway (1 straight red in 21 matches), Czech Republic (1 in 15) or Ukrain (1 in 14)? In the infographic below, you can see the ‘reddest’ country based on data from Worldfootball.net and Futebol365.pt. How darker the tint, the less matches are played on average before a straight red card is handed out. The value ’0,208333333′ in Portugal means that statistically five (5×0,208333333>1)...
‘Referees in the media’ will be published each Monday on the Dutch Referee Blog and provides remarkable or interesting quotes and links to articles worth reading. “When the referee understood Czech, he got one more non-native language than I got.” Says goalie Dennis Eilhoff from Dynamo Dresden ironically. He took the stand for his Czech colleague Pavel Fort who got send off. According to Eilhoff referee Tobias Stieler misunderstood the words of the Czech player. I should have given PSV Eindhoven that penalty. Eric Braamhaar regrets he didn’t see the offence on Georginio Wijnaldum from PSV. He came back to his decision after the match and admitted he was wrong. I spoke many times with the referee about it, I didn’t understand. By Thiago...
Read the signs ... With tomorrow's local Community Shield game and my second assessing commitment of the season on Tuesday, together with a two day family trip to Alton Towers on Friday/Saturday, I would only have the opportunity to train twice this week. One of those opportunities was this morning. Paul had hoped to join me but had a prior engagement at the Leeds Dog Trust Open Day where he got Bob from! I should have have recognised all the warning signs and decided to go back to sleep. Firstly my wife said she was going to walk the dog on the field we use for training. Last time she did that while I was training, I strained my Achilles; sign #1. The heavens opened and we had a long and sustained downpour; sign #2. My wife decided...
Fifth referee in SummerRefs comes from Milton Keynes in England. In this section refs from all over the world and all with different experiences will tell about their refereeing career and how they prepare for next season during this summer break. If you’re interested to take part, there are still a few weeks of summer for SummerRefs left. Let me know! Name: James campbell Age: 30 Hometown: Milton Keynes (England) Started refereeing: 1995 (eek) Grade: 5 Who do you think you are (as referee)? “I think i’m like Phil Dowd – not afraid to give a bit back and get respect from players but go with a smile on my face too. ” What are your goals in refereeing? “I have just got onto the Womens Premier League in England which is a great...
You may have noticed over on the right of the blog (yeah over there) an Amazon link for The Referee's or below if its not working for any reason This is a film that has been around for a couple of years following the Referee's at Euro 2008. Quite why its taken so long to come out here I don't know. I haven't seen it as yet, although have it on order for a few months now. However the guardian have a review of it on their site currently. One of the main parts of the film though I belive is Howard Webb and the Poland game where he gave the late penalty. I read an interview with the director where he had said up to that point it had been quite a boring job to work on where not a lot was happening.
Reading through the latest copy of fourfourtwo. I came across this amazing photo from Nurnberg vs Augsburg. It was taken by Peter Langenhahn and shows every foul that took place during the game. Its an impressive piece of work. To be honest this doesn't do it justice and you have to buy fourfourtwo to really get the most from it.
If your a sucker like me for Fantasy Football, then RefChat are running a league this season. Its quite simple register a team on http://fantasy.premierleague.com/ then once you've setup a team you will need to enter the code that is on the RefChat forum. I could tell you the code, but then if I did that you'd be missing out on visiting a great site. If you think youll do rubbish, dont worry I allways finish last.
Happy feet ... My new trainers seem a lot bigger than their predecessors even though they're the same brand. My wife says they make my feet look smaller. Either way I got through training tonight with the minimum of fuss, apart from feeling heavy legged and it being a little too warm for comfort. After the warm up we kept it simple by running for 2 minutes and walking for 1 minute, repeated 4 times (total running time 8 minutes), then took a 2 minute rest before repeating the same exercise but running anti clockwise instead of clockwise. A rest of 2 1/2 minutes this time and then we repeated the same 4 runs again. With the season starting on Saturday and a few other things lined up, it's going to be difficult to train regularly over...
And into the bin they go ... It's been a busy couple of days as the start of the season approaches. I tidied up a presentation intended as an introduction to the assessment process and sent it on to someone who might use it. Yesterday saw the arrival of my first assessment appointments of the season so they were accepted this morning. I also did some work on getting the marks together for submission to the County FA in support of our local promotion candidates. I also squeezed in notification of my very limited availability for assessing in September and an update on some administration for a forthcoming new referee's course. This course is slightly different for me as it's the first where I won't actually be delivering any training...