Coming back


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi all,

So recently I have decided to pick up the whistle again after around five years out - I quit after receiving a death threat from a charming individual but reached multiple dead ends.

Having played in the last five years and seeing matches getting postponed or continued with an "unofficial" ref, I decided to take it up again.

I have officiated on a couple of games and on the line. While I've enjoyed it, I have found it challenging.

Out of curiosity, any tips to get back into the swing of things and deal with the "rustiness"? Communication seems to be a big one - especially trying to explain decisions and have the one-to-one chats?

Cheers in advance. :)
A&H International
Welcome back
Ask to be appointed to nice and easy games. Club's or teams known to not give trouble. Start with juniors if you can.
Had a few threats over the years, thats all they were, I reffed one lad the week after he threatened me, he wasn't banned for that game but i knew what was coming, (6 months)... Usually its boyish BS, heat of the moment stuff, usually an over reaction!!

Welcome back, chest out, you're in charge!!!
Hi guys, I am new here but was interested in this feed. Something that Philzo said about matches being postponed and continued with an unofficial ref, is there a shortage of them?
This has been an issue for some years now. I do two sunday leagues - one of these dropped a division a few years back because of a shortage of match officials. This was the second time they've done this. They dropped another division last season because of a shortage of teams.
The youth league around here (East Kent) is really short of qualified refs. The league appoint refs if possible, but otherwise the home team have to get someone to do the game. If they can get someone qualified then that's ideal, but otherwise it may be a coach, father / brother or possibly just some guy walking his dog near the pitch who agrees to do it.
I quit after receiving a death threat from a charming individual but reached multiple dead ends.
Not literally I hope!

Good luck in getting back into it. I suggest starting at a level that you're comfortable at and get some games under your belt.
I suggest starting at a level that you're comfortable at and get some games under your belt.

Aye, I took a four year hiatus and on return agreed with the association etc to drop down to do some reserve games, just to get back into the swing of things. They assessed me on my first game back, cheeky buggers.