Player kicks corner post into crowd


RefChat Addict
So, here's an unusual one.
Taken from the lowest point in my club's history (Central Coast Mariners - the ones on the wrong end of this 8-2 drubbing).
Incidentally, this was against our arch rivals.
Was the last game of the season.
And we only needed a draw to avoid getting the wooden spoon.
Newcastle Jets player scores a goal, runs over and kicks the corner flag into the crowd. He did get a yellow for this - but given where the corner flag went, I'm wondering if anybody thinks that would have warranted a red card?
(It's not a bias post - no point caring when you lose that badly!)

A&H International
Not for me, I don’t actually know the law surrounding kicking a corner flag but for me a yellow is more than enough.

If I get that over the wknd although I’ll probably get shot down in flames for saying this I’ll politely be advising the player to retrieve the flag and put it back in the ground unless he wants a caution.

Big gripe of mine cautions for celebrations, the most amazing feeling you can get scoring a goal & you show any sign of passion or emotion & your in the book it just doesn’t make much sense to me.
Don't celebrate like a f***wit and there usually isn't a problem :p Just because one scores a goal it doesn't give them license to do whatever they want.

To say that you show any sign of passion or emotion and you're in the book is just patently untrue. You should probably take a bit of time to learn how the laws apply to goal celebrations because if you think that's the approach you're going to get yourself into a bit of trouble!

Bear in mind that the LOTG actually mandates cautions for a few things - and not just shirt removal (not sure what I'm talking about? Off you go and revise :p )
But the LOTG don't cover anything.

The fact that the player chose to vandalise essential field equipment goes way, way beyond acceptable celebrations and especially given how far the flag went and the fact that it broke, you really need to be giving a caution for this. It's completely over the top and players shouldn't be vandalising or disrupting essential field equipment.

The question is though - given the kick went into the crowd, is a red justified here?
I think it can certainly meet the criteria for VC at this point.

And it may be a 'depends' situation.

Parks level where the crowd is 2 yards away from the field? Probably pushing more towards a red. Done at opposition spectators? Gotta be a red.

Here, fortunately the flag didn't go right into the crowd but it is quite dangerous as it is. If anybody says 'no red', would it be different if it went further into the crowd?
Just a quick chat as I ran past :p

Players are only going to get booked for celebrating if it's overly antagonistic to the opposition, or if they're jumping up on the fence when it's a stadium/grandstand (mandatory) or lifting their shirt over their face (mandatory).

Or unless they're really timewasting.

That's pretty much it. Although trying to grab the ball out of the keeper's hands and start a scuffle will earn one too.

Pretty easy to emotionally celebrate a goal without doing any of that.
So, here's an unusual one.
Taken from the lowest point in my club's history (Central Coast Mariners - the ones on the wrong end of this 8-2 drubbing).
Incidentally, this was against our arch rivals.
Was the last game of the season.
And we only needed a draw to avoid getting the wooden spoon.
Newcastle Jets player scores a goal, runs over and kicks the corner flag into the crowd. He did get a yellow for this - but given where the corner flag went, I'm wondering if anybody thinks that would have warranted a red card?
(It's not a bias post - no point caring when you lose that badly!)

I would say it’s a yellow unless it actually strikes someone in the crowd and at that point it becomes a red.

On a side note unless I’m mistaken I watched the 2 teams you mention in The A League final in Sydney around 10 years ago when over visiting my brother. Fantastic experience.
I agree although the shirt one gets me a bit, I really don’t see the problem with it personally.
Good memory. Season 3 of the A-League, 2008. Jets beat CCM under some highly controversial circumstances (referee missed an incredibly blatant handball by Jets in the PA, far AR told him about it but he didn't want a bar of it, after that our keeper slapped the hand of the referee and copped a 12 month suspension, being the minimum sentence at the time - which since changed). We lost. And the grand final was in Sydney, rather than Central Coast's home ground (greed from the football association wanted it at a larger stadium)

I agree although the shirt one gets me a bit, I really don’t see the problem with it personally.
Neither do most of us (well, FIFA gave a number of conflicting reasons when they first brought it in), but at least every player knows about it so it's exceptionally easy to enforce. Shows what can be done with a clear and consistent approach. Don't have to agree with the laws to apply them :)
Good memory. Season 3 of the A-League, 2008. Jets beat CCM under some highly controversial circumstances (referee missed an incredibly blatant handball by Jets in the PA, far AR told him about it but he didn't want a bar of it, after that our keeper slapped the hand of the referee and copped a 12 month suspension, being the minimum sentence at the time - which since changed). We lost. And the grand final was in Sydney, rather than Central Coast's home ground (greed from the football association wanted it at a larger stadium):)

Yes saw all of that and couldn’t believe it when the keeper lost it. I actually thought the referee was poor on that day and thought perhaps I could get a visa to go over and referee in the A League judging by his standard on the day. 😀
Yes saw all of that and couldn’t believe it when the keeper lost it. I actually thought the referee was poor on that day and thought perhaps I could get a visa to go over and referee in the A League judging by his standard on the day. 😀
He was poor every day. The sort of ref who seemed to see our top league as beneath him (high-level Aussie assessors LOVE arrogance. Arrogance trumps ability any day). Yet he had a FIFA badge. He was a classic case of the 'avoid doing anything and if anybody asks, say you 'managed' it' referee, and it was concerning how many young referees worshipped him.
Politics over ability.
Lol, mate, I didn't even bother watching the game!!!
I stopped caring a long time ago this season, I just thought this was an unusual incident. I didn't even notice until until the podcast mentioned it.