
liam perkins

New Member
Hi I was just wondering what is the correct side of my kit for the different badges to go? Am I correct in thinking you should have the FA referees badge on the right and county badge on the left but if you have no county badge then your FA referees badge should go on the left?
A&H International
I think the answer might be;
By default, only wear the CFA badge on the left pocket as this is a requirement for County Cup comps
If your league has a badge, this could go on the right pocket
The FAMOA badge must be a Level 4 and above thing
My advice would be don't wear two badges, it makes you look like a boy scout. So FAMOA for most games on left pocket, if you need to wear another badge such as league or county then double side sticky tape it over FAMOA.

Technically speaking, if you on an FA competition you shouldn't have FAMOA on show. Unless they have changed recently the rules for these say that you should wear your county badge, the only exceptions being three lions (this is different to FAMOA) or FIFA if you have been awarded those.
My advice would be don't wear two badges, it makes you look like a boy scout. So FAMOA for most games on left pocket, if you need to wear another badge such as league or county then double side sticky tape it over FAMOA.

Technically speaking, if you on an FA competition you shouldn't have FAMOA on show. Unless they have changed recently the rules for these say that you should wear your county badge, the only exceptions being three lions (this is different to FAMOA) or FIFA if you have been awarded those.

Not sure I wholeheartedly agree... I Whacked my badges on as soon as they came through! At grassroots - To me I felt like I was wearing L plates with no badges and with one - just looked liked I passed the theory 🙄.
As soon as they were on - managers attitudes changed immediately!!
Not sure I wholeheartedly agree... I Whacked my badges on as soon as they came through! At grassroots - To me I felt like I was wearing L plates with no badges and with one - just looked liked I passed the theory 🙄.
As soon as they were on - managers attitudes changed immediately!!

Completely agree that you need a badge, just not more than one.
I was proud to wear my County FA badge, initially you could buy shirts through official Sports with the proper SHCFA embroidery however that stopped for some reason and SHCFA opened up their own shop monopolizing their embroidered activities to their own crappy Errea paper thin shirts. They were awful and tacky. They also did the crappy decal ones too!
I ended up buying the badge online and self sewing it onto my final shirt. Not ideal but it saw me through OK. Never been one for fancy kit or the latest fad so seeing the big brands take over is worrying. Looks like it’s another money making exercise like football supporters shirts!
Do counties not provide badges for cup finals?

Not sure why they would, to get a final you must have already refereed earlier rounds so must already have a badge?

Some CFA's used to provide free badged shirts for finals, but that has stopped for most due to financial constraints.
I reffed several county games and involved in the youth county cup finals day. I got the badge which I paid for when I reregistered the following season.
Not sure why they would, to get a final you must have already refereed earlier rounds so must already have a badge?

Some CFA's used to provide free badged shirts for finals, but that has stopped for most due to financial constraints.

I've only been involved in one county fixture as an AR, none of us wore county badges.