Open Age Defender Holding at Corners


New Member
Had an incident at the start of my game yesterday, 5 mins in...1st corner of the game.....lots of holding by defenders on the attackers....load shout by me before kick taken.....defenders hands down.....majority of them turn and stop holding except one who is not even looking at the ball....Defender is holding attacking by the arm ...Attacker makes his run....defender still holding on and being dragged along by the attacker, trys to jump for the ball goes down .....sharp blast Penalty and booking.....attacking team miss pen.....but guess what ....no more incidents at corners by any of the teams.....great what a bit of proactivity does for match control
A&H International
Sounds great all round on two fronts:

1) being proactive before the corner comes in. I find a shout of 'watch your holding' or something similar really helps.
2) actually following through and awarding the penalty. It's so easier not to but you don't do yourself any favours later on.

Well done!
Watch for sneaky strikers though play acting and cajoling the defenders into a short arms dance before going down like a sack of spuds (bit like Alan Shearer)
Watch for sneaky strikers though play acting and cajoling the defenders into a short arms dance before going down like a sack of spuds (bit like Alan Shearer)

I find this happens a lot once you've warned them (not saying you shouldn't warn them though). Attackers who know they can't get to the ball will take the opportunity to essentially run into the defender and see what they can win instead
Sounds great all round on two fronts:

1) being proactive before the corner comes in. I find a shout of 'watch your holding' or something similar really helps.
2) actually following through and awarding the penalty. It's so easier not to but you don't do yourself any favours later on.

Well done!
Proactive can also extend to holding up the corner and meeting the players involved, using hand gestures to clearly tell them it's not on. Preventing a corner is better than awarding one - but awarding one is better than missing one that needed to be given!
A soft corner is like a soft egg..........................:). ( credit to the poster who originally used this quote, I'm sorry I can't remember who used it first)
Well done you!!! Bet your match was alot easier to manage. The best team on the pitch, sand or court of play.. is the 3rd Team "Referees" whether you are 1 referee, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 referees etc... Var referee/referees and no doubt one day in the future the virtual
Referee or perhaps the robotic referee in the 3rd Team. make a decision and follow it through...