Hand ball? Portugal V Serbia

A&H International
Once @Mintyref has spoken you really need to sit up and listen. You should try it!
I repeat, constructive as always :wall:
Not even Mintyref could say why it wasn't a foul (in fact, nobody has).

Mate, you're on a roll today. Couldn't hit the broadside of a barn! I feel like we could put you in a room so you can have an argument with yourself - and the way you're going today, you'd still lose!
I repeat, constructive as always :wall:
Not even Mintyref could say why it wasn't a foul (in fact, nobody has).

Mate, you're on a roll today. Couldn't hit the broadside of a barn! I feel like we could put you in a room so you can have an argument with yourself - and the way you're going today, you'd still lose!
I’m not the one arguing against what the final decision was from an international referee yards from the incident!! That would be you fine sir!
I’m not the one arguing against what the final decision was from an international referee yards from the incident!! That would be you fine sir!
Another own goal!

Appealing to authority - argumentative fallacy to start with - but a hilarious one when the clip shows a massive error by a top-tier official. If it wasn't a massive error, where's the corner?
If anybody wants to see an awful refereeing decision, have a butcher's at the penalty the ref gave Bulgaria a week ago when they played Montenegro. Now THAT's referee error!! :)
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I gave thousands of awful refereeing decisions, I also gave thousands of great ones too, it depends who you ask! 👍