Interesting Appointment


RefChat Addict
Just got my game through for this Saturday. It's an U18 Cup quarter final with the home team having a slight 'reputation' in and around the league.

I try to go into every game with a clear mind but I've seen from the sidelines some of their behaviour towards officials, and its fair to say that I wasn't impressed.

Still, I like a challenge and it should be a good game. Looking forward to it!
A&H International
Good luck! If I were you I'd show a yellow card for dissent early on to set out that you're not going to take any sh*t.
Good luck! If I were you I'd show a yellow card for dissent early on to set out that you're not going to take any sh*t.
I'd say that could be a risky decision. Gauge how the game is, and if needs be do as Southend said and clamp down on the game. Yet you may also be setting your stall out very early if you do this, and then you may end up having to caution 5 players because you showed how you were going to ref the game early on.

It can be very effective, but be careful in using it - see how the game is going and then make your decision.

I'm sure you'll do great, and good luck!:D
It can be a risky strategy of planning to issue a caution early. I'll just see how the game goes and judge from there, really looking forward to it actually!
Go and referee what's in front of you. No pre-conceived ideas, no deliberate early caution. Just deal with things as they occur but also have your game plan in place, e.g. blow for everything in the first 10 minutes
Ended up being a pretty good game in the end. A few niggly bits to deal with as the game got away from the home team and 3 cautions for various things, but all in all, a pretty enjoyable game to ref.