Dissent or Offinabus

"So - Yellow card and sin bin for 'dissent' for the blue player, or red card for 'Foul and abusive language'?"
Interested to hear what the outcome was... Maybe my threshold is high (poss too high) but I'd be having words for the first comment, rather than a card as I did at a Ladies game on Sunday.
Only one warning though.
A&H International
"So - Yellow card and sin bin for 'dissent' for the blue player, or red card for 'Foul and abusive language'?"
Interested to hear what the outcome was... Maybe my threshold is high (poss too high) but I'd be having words for the first comment, rather than a card as I did at a Ladies game on Sunday.
Only one warning though.

Out of interest, what would they have to say to you to make it a red card? :eek:
Neither. :D

Dissent is public disagreement with a match official's decision. I don't think that's the case here.

A red card in this situation sounds about right but it would be for offensive and insulting language. I wouldn't term the words used as "abusive" and "foul" language in and of itself isn't an offence anyway - that's why it's not mentioned in the LOTG. ;)

Well, you did ask!! :p
When one can't find spelling errors, one would have to rely on creativity in pedantism. 🤣
U18s Girls game. 0-0. Good game, end to end, two well matched teams. Corner to the Red team, second half. I usually (especially at this level) give an instruction to the players in the box, keep your arms down, hands to yourself, no pushing or pulling shirts etc. Red player is on the keeper, and a Blue player is jostling with her (all ok so far). So I'm watching these two, and I say 'no pushing' as I do 99% of the time for corners in grassroots games. They carry on barging into each other quite aggressively, so I blow the whistle and tell the two players to stop it, expecting the usual innocent shrugs and pointing, but the blue defender says "God, you're wasting time, why don't you shut the **** up".
Assuming the "why don't you shut the **** up" is directed at you the referee, that's offensive and a red for me.

So now I pull the girl out of the box and call the captain over. Blue player carries on "for ****s sake ref" and "this is boring". The captain tells me that it's my fault for "interfering". I tell them both to shut up and listen to me, which is met with "you can't talk to us like that".

Typical of some of the younger generation - swear at you and tell you to "shut the **** up" but you can't tell them to shut up (even if personally I wouldn't use "shut up" myself). :wall::facepalm:

As for the general talking during matches, was a rugby coach/ref before football so tend to talk more but as I go through the age groups it becomes less and less, so that in OA matches it's more limited to "good/fair tackle" and brief explanations of decisions that aren't abundantly obvious.
Good replies all and thank you all for the advice/comments.
I take on board the chattiness, I only get good feedback for it at the younger age groups, (and I dont do it in adult games) and this u18 game in particular was not a very good standard, so I feel justified in staying chatty as they are still unaware of what is/isn't likely to be a foul.
I issued a sb yellow, my threshold being that I didn't feel it was aimed directly at me, but rather at the frustration of me managing the penalty box.
It was only afterwards that I thought it *was* aimed at me, and did constitute offinabus so could have been a red. Every game is a learning experience!
I'd be prepared to issue a Sin Bin for: "God, you're wasting time, why don't you shut up", but the minute they decided to insert the swear word in there they have just earned themselves a free upgrade to a RC.

I agree it's tricky deciding where our own personal threshold lies.... As a parent I try to imagine my reaction if my own children spoke to me in the same way... Telling me to 'Go away' or 'Leave me alone' I can tolerate. Telling me to 'Shut up' would have consequences, but telling me to 'Shut the **** up' would be a whole world of escalation.

Or maybe think of it another way... Would you tell a player or a coach to 'Shut the **** up?'
Here's my personal threshold.

If you say something like "You need to shut up" or something that directly questions my authority in a match, that's going to be a caution (and a sin bin if the relevant rules of competition allow it).

When an F-bomb enters the comment, it rises to a straight red.

I actually faced this situation over the weekend in a futsal event. Player already on a caution is upset with an out of bounds call. He loudly starts with "You can't see . . . " and I'm getting ready to issue him his 2CT.

He ends with ". . . a f***ing thing". Good thing I hadn't already taken my yellow card out of my pocket, because that immediately turned it into an OFFINABUS straight red send off. If he would have said "You can't see a thing", it still would have been a send-off. But it would have been a 2CT. The moment he added that extra word, it upgraded for me.