Should you blow up for full time at a corner kick?

gerry heron

New Member
Hi there, today I was being assessed. I awarded a corner just before stoppage time had came to an end , I let the attacking team play the corner , they scored and I awarded the goal. The assessor told me after that I should of blown up for full time as soon as the player took the corner. Is this right?
A&H International
Technicaly it doesn't matter, as when time is up, you blow. However, common sense prevaills and I would either blow before the corner, or after a goal / clearence has been done from the corner. Try and blow in a fairly 'neutral' position. At a goal kick or a hooffed up ball is a good option.

So no, you were correct, but its generally advisable to let play carry on for a couple of second after a goal. But its down to the referee / situation really.
I too have had this from an assessor as technically when time is up you blow. Experience tells me though that you blow for full time in a neutral position like Lewys mentioned above

Welcome to RefChat by the way, glad to have you on board
Who is the sole timekeeper - the referee or assessor? Was there really time for the corner, or did it expire as the ball went out?

Just a litle kidology there. What can be more neutral than the ball being out of play? Where possible I will end the game when the ball leaves the FOP a bit like the Rugby guys do. Fewer arguments that way, and certainly a lot less than you will get if you blow up with the ball being whipped into the penalty area.
did the assessor know what time you had added on?........nope!.....if a goal went in, wait for about 30 seconds after the restart and then blow!.......
You are the only person in the world who knows how much time there is left in your game, therefore you end the game when it suits you. I've had times when a losing team is breaking forward and I've heard the first beep from my watch; I've quickly reset it and then let the play develop around the box. If the defence get it or it's cleared etc I'll blow up; if it goes for a corner I'll let the corner be taken.

Don't cause yourself more grief by ending the game in a goalscoring position. If you've never heard of Clive Thomas and Brazil v Sweden, google or you tube it!!
given a lot of grief 2 weeks ago over this matter.
Both teams were asking me how long to go and both told we were in last minute. I awarded free kick to team who were losing 2-1 ball cleared from box and player ran down touchline - partially tackled - he could have crossed into box but allowed ball to run out for corner. checked watch now 25 secs over time - blew for full time to be met with 'you cant blow for fulltime when we have a corner' . explanation of we had already exceeded time fell on deaf ears.
Laws of the game say you should only extend time for a penalty kick. Like said above you are the sole time keeper, blow when time is up and it suits you. At park level, my advice is to always end the game when the ball is inside FOP, if you blow when ball goes out of play, you may have to go miles to get the match ball

Personally I blow up when time is done, providing there isn't any sort of attack on. If the attacking team dilly dally about I will blow up, or if a defender holds them up. But if they are breaking quickly then I'd let it go. Also I'd let the corner be taken and if it's a goal then as said before play an extra a few seconds.

I booked a player the other week who after I blew for half time, he threw his arms in the air and clapped me saying they were on the attack. In reality they had just about cleared a corner and it was him breaking with the ball up against four defenders and about 90 yards to run. Mouthy little toe rag had been giving me lip for the entire first half!
Dare I say that the assessor was wrong on this occassion, monsieur heron, since added time is a minimum and not a maximum.

Simple example. 45 mins gone and you have 4 minutes and 40 seconds of time to add. You 'should' signal 4 minutes to go but still play 4 minutes 40 seconds (plus any additional time added during the 4 minutes 40 seconds)

Also, Matty, since when has it been the referees job to fetch the ball - unless it's your ball, of course ;)
Common sense would indicate that you let them take the corner then blow when it breaks down. That said, how many corners would you allow if it kept going out for another corner before you decide "enough is enough!" :D

Just noticed - A little bit of thread necromancy going on here! Please do not revive long deceased threads!
A tip - if at half time always blow when the ball is in play rather than when it has gone off for a goal kick, for example, because the chances are that you'll be the one who has to run to get the ball!
A tip - if at half time always blow when the ball is in play rather than when it has gone off for a goal kick, for example, because the chances are that you'll be the one who has to run to get the ball!

Nah I always force the teams to get it. I never collect the ball. I tell them it's in their best interest to get it if they want the game to continue. I'm not there to be ball boy.
I quietly cringe everytime a CAR goes trotting off after the ball....and I like cars!
I'd fear for my safety if I blew while the ball was in the air from a corner. Your assessor has absolutely no right to say that, only you know the time you are adding on! I found players can hear my watch beeping and so it makes me look pretty bad if it starts beeping and I play on so I've found one with a vibrate function - if this is a problem for anyone else I would strongly recommend the investment!
Or just don't set the beep on the watch you already have and you'll save yourself some money into the bargain
Hi there, today I was being assessed. I awarded a corner just before stoppage time had came to an end , I let the attacking team play the corner , they scored and I awarded the goal. The assessor told me after that I should of blown up for full time as soon as the player took the corner. Is this right?
Gerry ...I would 100% Never blow up on a corner or any kind of promising attack , I did it a few times a number of years ago and realised very quickly it is one way to cause yourself hassle at the end of a match......
If we all realise that an average team only keeps possession for around 20 seconds max at any given passage of play ....let them lose the ball or wait till it goes dead