Can you ever be to strict

The offence is -
using offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures.
There is nothing subjective about this. Its not whether you find it so, but is it objectively so, ie would the reasonable person by the ordinary standards of society find it so.

The offence doesnt state anyone has to be actually offended, use of the language is sufficient,
ps swearing is using such language!

Of course there is a subjective aspect to this, everything depends on the context. And nowhere do the LOTG talk about reasonable people and society standards. In order for language to be offensive someone has to be offended - a real person, not a notional one. If you have decided that swearing (and I hope you give a complete list to each team before the game so that they can avoid the words that you believe have been objectively established as offensive) is automatically offensive then you must dismiss an awful lot of players...
A&H International
Of course there is a subjective aspect to this, everything depends on the context. And nowhere do the LOTG talk about reasonable people and society standards. In order for language to be offensive someone has to be offended - a real person, not a notional one. If you have decided that swearing (and I hope you give a complete list to each team before the game so that they can avoid the words that you believe have been objectively established as offensive) is automatically offensive then you must dismiss an awful lot of players...


No one needs to be offended etc......the words or gestures can be offensive by their nature or intent, regardless of the end result.

Would you send someone off for a racial slur if the target wasn't at all bothered by it?
I had that on sunday, 'oh ref theyve been swearing all season and havent had a warning from any ref let alone a card, youve ruined the game by booking him this early', so im like 'ok so you tell me that you wouldnt card someone who told you to piss off' haha
What did you caution him for?

Now now sm, that's like laying the kindling for another dissent v OFFINABUS debate :p

Personally I'd have gone down the OFFINABUS route as I find that comment identical in nature and intent to F Off and thus would punish the same. But can see why many would caution for dissent, even tho technically it may be wrong
Stuart, are you overly obsessive of where the ball is placed on free kicks, or throw ins? Something which some club members may see this as pernickety - perhaps making them see you as being strict. Either that, or are all of the referees in your local area very experienced and so do not take much care in what they do. You then appearing on the block, enforcing the laws correctly is a bit of a strange thing for them!
Charlie ,just read you comment , Since when have experienced referees not taken care in what they do ??? if im out with 2 other old refs I will reduce my pre match talk as we know each other quite well...but if im out with a young inexperienced ref I will always do a full pre match talk to give them something to go on when its their turn .

Probably my most nervous day ever was my first pre match talk with 2 experienced refs on the line for me , I stuttered my way through and forgot most of what I had practiced .....

Also my first adult middle when I checked my bag 6 times before leaving .....even pulled the car over half way to the ground to check again:D

Ahh the memories...
Also my first adult middle when I checked my bag 6 times before leaving .....even pulled the car over half way to the ground to check again:D

Ahh the memories...

I've been refereeing three years and always double check my bag before leaving. Yet when I'm driving to the match I'll convince myself I've forgotten either my shirt or watches, cards etc. Basically like I've walked out the house with an empty bag!
Hardly slept a wink the night before , when I got to ground the pitch was frozen solid and I called it off ............:eek:
Now now sm, that's like laying the kindling for another dissent v OFFINABUS debate :p
It looks like the referee chickening out of doing what you should do when confronted with OFFINABUS and opting for a softer, safer option. Like seeing a foul in the penalty area but instead moving it outside the area for a free kick...

Just my opinion. Sometimes you gotta be brave.
It was only 3 minutes in and it was a quiet 'oh piss off' it wasnt like he was screaming in my face haha, he got sent off about 20 mins later anyway for a second yellow :)
It was only 3 minutes in and it was a quiet 'oh piss off' it wasnt like he was screaming in my face haha, he got sent off about 20 mins later anyway for a second yellow :)
See you could have saved yourself some time!! :D
Charlie ,just read you comment , Since when have experienced referees not taken care in what they do ??? if im out with 2 other old refs I will reduce my pre match talk as we know each other quite well...but if im out with a young inexperienced ref I will always do a full pre match talk to give them something to go on when its their turn .

Probably my most nervous day ever was my first pre match talk with 2 experienced refs on the line for me , I stuttered my way through and forgot most of what I had practiced .....

Also my first adult middle when I checked my bag 6 times before leaving .....even pulled the car over half way to the ground to check again:D

Ahh the memories...
@Beezer, I meant more in small things like the positioning of free kicks and throw-ins. Something that people tend to become more relaxed with as they become more experienced.
Ahhhh !!! you mean old and lazy ? if you stated that I will have to agree!!

As the legs go the eye sight improves

Its been proven in an over 45s survey recently

Ill find you a link .....