Female Spectators...

Steve C

The Unfit one!
Do people find that the worse spectators on match days are females?

Was doing an U12s game and numerous freekicks were given at one particular end in the second half due to frustration, and everytime i have the same protocol: see if they wish to get on with it quickly, if not, tell them to wait, mark the yards, move to defensive line for offside, inform keeper of nature of free kick, blow whistle... anyway, each time the def line was the same, edge of the box, on lineish with a group of 4, im assuming, mums. EVERY time a free kick was taken, a the attackers were offside, some straight from the FK, some from a flick on, but im always on line, and always when I blew for the offside, I got a high screech of 'HOWS THAT OFFSIDE'. Now i did an assistant refereeing day with Anthony Taylor and Steve Bratt, and we did 1 hour of offside testing with ipads, and I got 100% of mine right, I had to argue one because the camera was offline but the pitch strip markings showed i was right (as a referee when arent we!) so i think i know the offside deal pretty well, especially when it was a straight forward as the U12s give it. So how can all spectators jump on the bandwagon of questioning my knowledge of Law 11, from the source of 4 mothers? They could be higher levels than me for all i know but chances are they werent given that we're talking 3-4 yards offside every time!

Anyone else find female spectators like to take the law into their own hands?
A&H International
Mixed bag for me. Although I do find that football makes women more like men in terms of toolability. Only watching their little Jimmy turns them into an uncontrollable cluster of rage hormones and pmt.

You wouldn't see Dorris at the golf go on a mad one and start battering spectators with a golf club.

Not sure why football brings out the devil in women. (My misses must think she's permanently at the football then!)
Couple seasons ago last game of season I had a woman from spectators say to me on a freekick that I needed to get grip of game and so yes some times it turns them into the devils adcueate
Given that you've done your offside session, I'm assuming that you were shown how being one step out of line of not being level with the players can make all the difference in the world when it comes to trying to judge offside correctly

I'm also assuming that the women in question were stood next to each other and not one behind the other and, as you, yourself, have said, were not neccessaily in line with the second last defender each time

Ergo, it's easy to understand why they might wish to question your decision.....not that they should, of course, if it was a respect league

As for men v women, of all the 'crappy' supporters that I've had to listen to, I'd say 95% were men and 5% women.....probably less than 5%
In the crappy spectators department, it is always parents that are the worst for me. Dads or mums, seems to be an equal distribution, they are occasionally complete idiots... Would be wrong to tar all of them with the same brush though. Most of them are just people wishing to enjoy a game of football.

It is funny though seeing a player shouting at their parents to shut up mind... :D
Given that you've done your offside session, I'm assuming that you were shown how being one step out of line of not being level with the players can make all the difference in the world when it comes to trying to judge offside correctly

I'm also assuming that the women in question were stood next to each other and not one behind the other and, as you, yourself, have said, were not neccessaily in line with the second last defender each time

if it was a respect league

As for men v women, of all the 'crappy' supporters that I've had to listen to, I'd say 95% were men and 5% women.....probably less than 5%

Part 1) yeah we did do that, I'm an engineering student at uni too so i know how angles make all the difference :p
Part 2) They were a good 5-10 yards off line, so yeah they would have struggled to have seen, and also I was always online,, i do the AR crab to make sure o' that!
Part 3) It was and theyre a respect club too!
Part 4) Id say yeah men more than women but i find men to be more screwed on whereas women will shout for anything if anyone dare go near their little Jimmy!
I hope you told them their place is in the kitchen and not near a football pitch whenever they moaned. :rolleyes:
Might not happen, but before anyone goes nuts about that comment, please pay attention to the rolling eyes Smilee. And the subtle reference to the below thread which might be lost to those late to the conversation http://www.refchat.co.uk/threads/john-cummings-what-a-prat.4090/#post-32270

My rolly eyes came from this comment, which I felt had a touch of the Cummings about it!

find men to be more screwed on whereas women will shout for anything if anyone dare go near their little Jimmy!